23| carcinogen

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1st person. Y/N POV


"Im sorry, did you say Afton?" I sat up quickly, causing Mike to jerk away. "I thought that whole family was...Mike!"

"What!" He jolted again, scooting farther away from me.

"Why is he calling you that?"

"Calling me what?" He said stupidly. "Who? Where? Dear, I think you've gone senile!"

"Right...me, the senile one." I scoffed. "You're Michael Afton?!"

"I told you my name was Michael." He shrugged at me.

"Yes, but Michael Schmidt. NOT Michael Afton. There are tones of Michaels in the world!" I shook my head. "Seriously?! You're related to a psychotic...family..I've seriously been missing this whole thing." I smacked my forehead.

He shrugged again, making me frown. "I didn't think that it mattered, Y/N. What does my father's name have to do with me?"

"It has everything to do with you! He murdered like...a lot of people, Michael." I sat crisscrossed. "and you said he killed your mother! And that Charles person."

"Charlie." He corrected.

"Right. whatever." My fingers rubbed my temples. I had a headache. "You. What have you gotten from him?" I pointed to the doctor, who slowly approached.

'Right...well, L/N, I did see a few...er...interesting things while checking out Mr. Afton here." Michael sunk into his chair, looking miserable. "That...wound on his abdomen is nothing to take lightly...in fact, I was able to peel it open and look inside of Mr. Afton. The damage there was...strange."

"You could look inside of him?" My voice hitched. "As in...see all his organ and what not?"

"Im afraid I didn't see any organs..."

"Oh come on, seriously?! How loony does this guy sound?" Michael said from the side, waving his hands around like a madman. "You don't seriously believe this dude, right?" He looked at me.

"It does sound loony.." I raised my eyebrows, looking weirdly at the doctor. "You look loony too..."

"L/N, really." The man said. "His files are the loony ones. Everything I find about it says that he is deceased!"

"They did that to my whole family!" Michael said. "They wanted to wipe us all off the grid!"

"Michael, you said your whole family was dead..." I said, leaning forward slightly.

"Well...yes, Y/N I know." He scoffed at me. "But they wiped me off too just so they wouldn't have any more legal trouble with anything. Having that name gets me nowhere. No one wants an Afton working for them."

"Sir, No one just...wipes your profile..." The man shook his head, now facing Michael. "Are you sure you didn't just change your name so you wouldn't suffer the repercussions your father might have faced? If he were still alive, per se?" The man raised his eyebrows.

"Im offended that you would think that. I just don't want to go around with people knowing who my family is." Michael said.

"Afraid you might be interrogated? Hated on? Or maybe...you don't want your identity to be out because you were a...say...accomplice in your father's Actions?" The man shrugged.


1st person. Michael Afton POV.


"Afraid you might be interrogated? Hated on? Or maybe...you don't want your identity to be out because you were a...say...accomplice in your father's Actions?" The man shrugged.

"Im offended that you would even assume that..." I said harshly, now standing up from my chair. the man held his hands up in defense, his shoulders scrunched.

"I am just laying out possibilities for L/N here." He motioned to Y/N, who was staring at both of us, bewildered.

"I would have never helped my father. He killed my mother!" I shouted, withdrawing slightly.

"There isn't a reason to raise your voice."

"You're making me mad, man." I threw my hands up again, scoffing as I passed the room for a moment. "Bloody ridiculous."

"You are acting a bit harsh, Michael.." I flinched when Y/N used that name.

"I didn't ask, Y/n." I scoffed. "Sorry. I didn't mean to use that tone..." I said after seeing their reaction.

"Don't take it out on me just because you're suspected to be like your daddy, Michael." they scoffed.

"You've been with me for weeks, Y/N! If I were anything like him, you would most defiantly hate my guts..."

"There are no guts to hate." The man added, making me look over at him quickly. The damn sheep.

"You're reaching." I shook my head, sitting back down in my chair. "This is stressing me out...Y/N, can we leave, please?"

"How do I know I can trust you not to kill me!" They huffed.

"Are you being serious right now?" I raised my voice again. "Are you so daft that you can't understand? You've been with me for WEEKS! I've done nothing but treat you right, Y/N, seriously?" I scoffed.

"Well, I don't know how your father was to your mom." They shrugged.

"Abusive. Verbally. Y/N, very abusive."

"There were never any abuse reports from any of his kids."

"That's because it was towards my mother and Me! They were too young to understand what it meant when daddy hit their older brother, or when daddy would scream at mom, or lecture her about small things. They didn't understand, they didn't need to." I breathed out quickly. I felt faint.

"Why haven't you told me this before?" Y/N leaned their elbows on their knees.

"Because it isn't any of your business?" I scoffed. "I am nothing like my father."

"You told me that your brother died by your hands, Michael."

"It was an accident, Y/N! Oh my god!" I stood up quickly, almost knocking the chair over when my legs hit it. "You are so dense, it is unbelievable! I saved you from my father! Do you know how stressed I've been? How worried I've been? Do you know how many times I've cried in the past week alone because of you?!"

"Because of me? What have I done?!" They yelled back at me.

"I don't know! Im just..." I took a deep breath. "I need to go for a walk. I need to get away from you for...five fucking minutes." I waved my hand dismissively at them, watching as their mouth fell open.

"Don't go, Michael."

"I swear! Don't call me that..." I groaned, leaving the room.

I strode out of the hospital.


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