The Road Less Traveled

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"Can I go out by myself?" Belle asked in the morning.

"Belle, I can't let you go. If he knows I let you leave he would-"

"No Polly, I'm not talking about leaving the castle grounds, or going home. I was wondering if I could explore on my own?" She asked.

"No one in the staff would stop you, but I wouldn't recommend it Belle. The hallways can be more confusing than they seem. You might not end up where you want to be."

"I just wanted to go out to the gardens. I remember the way. Straight on out my door, follow the wall until it turns left and then follow it until the outer doors." There was nobody she trusted in the castle more than Polly, but she wanted to lay in the gardens and clear her thoughts without a babysitter.

"Yes Ms. Belle. I will however, alert the staff to keep their eyes peeled for our guest roaming the halls in blind confusion."

Belle laughed, "Okay, that's fair!"

-The Beast-

"We're being massacred. This is not simple hunting! This is sport!" Birch said.

The Beast King nodded. "I agree."

There was nothing he could say to placate the tree creature while they stood in the ashes of what used to be one of his brothers. Killing one of his spies was not just sport as Birch said, It was a warning.

"You can't just expect me and my family to- wait you agree?" He asked, his already high-pitched voice gained another octave.

"Yes. I will not ask your brothers to risk themselves anymore. Head south, away from their territory, and keep near the borders of the forest. The wolfmen will not bother you there. The further you are away from the castle the better." He said.

The creature nodded awkwardly. "Oh, very good then." He said, walking away from the Beast before stopping and turning back to him. "It's not that we do not recognize your kingship sire. It's just that the Treeize cannot continue the same fatalities and maintain our strong prestigious culture." Birch stuttered out. Birch was the grandfather of all the Treeize more commonly referred to as the eyes and lips of the forest. They were his most effective spies in knowing where the wolfmen were, but since the bloodmoon, his family were torched during the day and torn apart by night.

"You have all served me well these past few years and my father for even longer. You are friends to the castle, and I will answer your burdens."

Birch smiled slyly. He got what he wanted. His family was released from their oath and remained in good graces with the crown.

"You honor me King Beast." He said with a stiff bow and disappeared into the forest.

The Beast let out a haggard breath. The trees no longer belonged to the Beast King. The whole forest would be echoing that sentiment when Birch and his brothers drew their retreat. Another victory for the wolfmen. His father's voice was in his head telling him that he had made a mistake. His father would have held the Treeize to their oath until every one of them died.

"That's a pity." A voice called from behind him. The Beast did not need to turn around. He knew who it was. It was Laeman, the Alpha of the wolfmen.

"What are you doing here? Come to admire your handiwork?"

"Me?" He asked with fakeness dripping from every syllable. "You couldn't possibly think that my people were behind this." He said.

The Beast turned, facing the wolfman evenly. "Leave me or challenge me wolfman." Laeman was too smart for that. Too smart to be goaded into a challenge that he would lose.

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