The Sorceress

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-The Sorceress-

"He's not your Beast King." The girl said ferociously and Mira couldn't help but smile. 

"Well, without my curse he wouldn not be the Beast King, so the way I see it, he is my Beast King." She looked down at the Beast king and frowned. This really was going to be a headache. Just her luck really that the Prince and the Beast King killed each other. No victor meant no one left alive to inherit the curse. Where was she going to find an obnoxiously prideful prince stupid enough to get himself cursed before every creature escaped from the forest and began to terrorize everyone?

Curses were hard enough to cook up on the fly, but victims were even harder. She put her hands on her knees looking at the gruesome sight of death. She turned to the blind woman in vague interest.

"What is your name girl?" she asked.


"You look like you loved him." She said, just calling out what she saw.

Tears built up in Belle's eyes and Mira smiled. A foolhardy woman in love could be cursed just as easily as a prideful prince.

"I'll take that as a yes. Did he love you?" She asked. 

"I-I" Her sobs were trying to take over and the devastation was shown clearly on her face.

"Don't strain yourself dear. Just nod yes if he ever told you that he loved you." 

The woman nodded.

"And you believed him?" 

"Yes." Belle said with a small hiccup.

Mira shook her head. It was a risk, but she had better things to do with her time than find another solution.

"I can bring him back." She said simply, casting out her line to see how the poor girl would react.

The blind woman turned to her and her face said everything Mira needed to know. This was going to be too easy.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm a sorceress. There is not a lot that is outside my power. You want him back don't you?"

"He's dead. I don't need you to mock me. Nothing can bring people back from the dead." She whispered. 

"He's barely dead. That is an important distinction. I'm telling you that I can bring him back, but there will be a cost."

Mira could make this work. It wasn't exactly conventional, but it had potential to be her best idea yet. A good strong true love spell worked tenfold over her ordinary curses. If she played her cards exactly right she would never have to worry bout replacing the Beast King again.


Barely dead. That's what she called him. She still couldn't wrap her mind around the idea that he was really gone. This woman was cruel to bait her with fantasies. Belle held no love for magic and no love for this sorceress who had cast the curse in the first place. 

"What's the cost?" She thought about the lengths of Adam's curse. What would she give up to see him again?

"Well that's a good question. There are costs and consequences to this kind of thing. The cost is your freedom and the consequence is your love."

"What do you mean?"

"It's simple. In order to cast a spell I need to be paid, and the thing I need most right now is a King of Beasts. Since you're not a Beast and I am not overly cruel, I think that we can come to an agreement. I will cast the spell if you agree to stay here and become the keeper of the castle." 

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