The Fight

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Waiting felt torturous until they heard the front doors thrown open. The children clung even closer together and Belle froze completely. They were all waiting for confirmation of what they all already knew deep inside. It was not the King Beast who just stormed in.

Muffled yelling reached through the walls and Anette tried to hush all the children as everyone stirred in fear. It was humans. He saw as Belle recognized the muted sylables and her face became panicked.

"Right. We need to leave right now." Vandy said quietly.

"I thought you said that it was dangerous outside." Belle whispered back.

"Yes, it is." 

He crossed the room and opened the door for all of them. They could find somewhere to hide out until everything had settled. The King Beast was somewhere and he would restore order, but until then he needed to make sure that no one died.

He ushered out Polly and then the kids. Everyone else followed and he nearly had Belle through the door before she stopped short. 

"We really do need to leave now." Vandy begged. Whoever was marching through the castle and destroying things were getting closer and closer, but when Vandy saw recognition in Belle's eyes, he knew that he would not convince her to leave.

"My father." She whispered and Vandy let out a string of curses.

"Vanderwall!" Polly hissed from outside.

Vandy was torn between two groups. He looked back to the staff and sighed. He shut the door and stormed towards one of the errand boys, Chip. 

"Get everyone safely to the forest. If you can make it to the faerie grove you will all be safe there. Can you do this for me Chip?" Vandy asked. Chip nodded with wide eyes and turned to Polly who smiled at him. 

They would do fine without him, but if Vandy let anything hppen to Belle he would never forgive himself and neither would the King.

Vandy walked back through the door and Belle was already gone. She had left the door open and Vandy left and followed the sound of voices. 

He did not catch up to her in time. He turned a corner and froze. It was two humans, and Belle was in the center of them.


"Belle! Where are you!" He called again.

His voice was starting to shake at the strain of yelling, but the further they went into the King Beast's castle, the more anxiety he felt.

"Be-" He was cut off by a hand on his shoulder.

"If you yell one more time I will cut your head off Maurice." The Prince said with his sword raised menacingly.

"I am sorry you majesty."

"I do not need your apologies! Get behind me and shut up." The Prince said, jerking him back by his collar. 

Their little skirmish was interupted by movement stepping around the corner. 

It was Belle.

His disagreement with the prince went forgotten as he ran towards her and wrapped her in a hug, picking her up off the ground and spinning her around.

"Father, you are here!" She said after he set her down.

"Yes, we came to rescue you."

She stepped closer towards him and turned to the Prince, "Who else came with you?" She asked.

The Prince stepped forward and seized her hand, pulling it to his lips. He felt Belle freeze and she pulled away from him.

"Gaston." She said with hostility.

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