The Forest (Beast POV)

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I am going through and editing a few things to really finish the story that I want to finish, so if things are moving around and not making a whole lotta sense, that is probably why! (hopefully) I've got some POV's I left previously unpublished as I did not know how to work them in. I will probably release the one's I cant find a place for! This is the Beast's POV from the very first chapter. Happy reading, and as always, if you have any feedback let me know!


The trees were echoing intruder. The trees had been echoing intruder while he slept fitfully.
"Quiet!" He commanded forcefully. He had fallen asleep for the first time in days. He craved sleep.

They continued to echo intruder when he finally dragged himself out of bed and growled out "fine".

They were still echoing intruder as he dragged himself to the forest bitterly.

"My Lord!" One of the Trees called out. "Intruder my Lord!" He said.

He smiled tightly, "Yes, thank you. I've received the message. You may all stop your chatttering now." He said, and the trees all slowly stopped moving about. 

"Where is the intruder?" He asked the tree.

The tree shuddered and then pointed. 

This was the last thing he needed.

He followed the direction haphazardly. He smelled the intruder first before anything else and the smell reeked of human. He slowed to a predatory crawl, heading straight toward the smell of fear. 

He stopped when he finally saw who had created all the commotion. It was a woman, sitting alone in a clearing. Her head was down, tucked into her knees, and he scented the faint smell of blood. His mood turned from bad to worse. He had been here before. He had done this before. His thoughts drifted to the woman. The only woman he had ever met who he had grown to hate. 

It was a human woman. In the forest on the first night of the blood moon. This was no coincidence. Anger ruled him with an iron fist and he let out a soft growl as a warning. He wanted her out of this forest. Now.

She looked through the dark clearing, her eyes almost illuminated in the dark and he froze. Her face was red with tears and she was covered in dirt, but she did not look afraid.

He stepped closer towards her as if her eyes were the things that lured him there. He waited for her face to turn into disgust and fear as he moved closer. He wanted to see the fear in her eyes, but her face remained stoic and frozen. He even thought he saw a ghost of a smile on her lips.

Interesting He thought to himself.

"Who are you?" He asked, surprising himself.

"Belle." She said, looking almost as surprised as he was.

Belle. She had to be crazy. The clouds had passed overhead and bathed the small clearing in light from the moon, but she stared evenly looking straight past him as if he were not even a threat.

He stood higher and higher, trying to look intimidating. He was trying to get her to run away back where she came from.

She just stared ahead and it made him feel stupid in his posturing. His senses had betrayed him. She could not possibly be human. He was well accustomed to the human ritual of screaming and fleeing. This was on a whole new level. She was completely foreign to him.

"What are you Belle?" He asked.

"Human." She said quickly.

"Belle the human." He said out loud, testing out the words to see if they rang true. She didn't act like any human he had ever met before. Not one had ever refrained from screaming at the sight of him. Not even her. 

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