Her first heartbreak

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"Jeremy!" She gasped in shock as she watched her boyfriend kiss another lady while unbuckling his belt. He moved away from the kiss instantly and looked at her in shock. He must not have expected her to be here. He clearly didn't."What was she doing here by the way?"And how did she get the key to his house?" These were thoughts infiltrating his now disoriented mind.He gulped hard as he stared at her now teary eyes. She caught him. She really did this time. She sniffed and stomped back into the room in anger. She started picking each and every bags she brought. Jeremy left the lady he was with and rushed after her into the room."Babe..." He pleaded. She stopped for a while and glared daggers at him with tears brimming her pair of green eyes.
"Don't babe me." She yelled at him sternly and packed her heels into the bag. Just as she was about to pick another pair of heels, he held her hands.
"If that hand touches me..." She jerked her hands away and went ahead to carry the remaining things she had brought."Babe, I am really sorry." Jeremy begged as he tried stopping her from carrying her bags.
How could he do something like that to her?
After all she did for him. She stalked out of the room and then went back in to carry a portrait she had brought and exited the room. All this while, Jeremy kept pleading with her, moving here and there in order to stop her. Sweats beads down his forehead and his shirt was already to soaked in sweats. He caught hold of her hands as she was about to exit his house. She turned around and gave him a resounding slap. "If you ever lay that filthy hands of yours on me, I will kill you." She gritted her teeth menacingly and snatched her hands away from him.
"After all we had, Jeremy. Each and every thing we did together. After the love we shared. I literally, literally chose you over all the guys that asked me to be their girlfriend. I turned them all down for because of you. Yet you chose to cheat on me with this-" she pointed to the lady who was just watching the entire drama unfold. "- thing you call a lady. Jeremy, you really disappointed me." She said with spite and rage.
"Tell me, what does she have that I don't? Boobs? Ass? Nice tits?. Jeremy Maxwell, it's over." She said with finality and a sniff before dashing out of his house.
"Ophelia, I am sorry." He yelled after her. Just as he was about to follow, the lady he had brought home stopped him with her teeth biting her lips seductively.
"Do you want to leave me for that stench?" She asked as she began to unbutton his shirt. He suddenly became immobile. He looked between the both of them; Ophelia's retreating back and the temptress that was in front of him. He could not make a choice.He obviously chose s*x over love.
She continue dabbing off the tears that kept falling freely. She definitely could not believe it. He has been cheating on her all this while?!She trusted him. She really did after all he was her first love and boyfriend. As she got to the main road, she signaled to a cab to stop. And it stopped almost immediately. She opened the door and stepped in, throwing her bags on the seat. "Where to ma'am?" The driver asked."The airport." She replied to him. She sobbed out and faceplamed.She was really heartbroken. How did this happen?

*Some hours ago*

"Ma'am, we have arrived." The cabman announced to her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked out of the window. She smiled willfully and passed his pay to him before getting down.
"Thank you." She said with a small smile.Opening the booth of his cab, she carried her bags and stepped aside for him to drive off. She turned around and walked towards his door. She knocked on the door but did not get a response. She grinned at she remembered the surprise she was planning for him.
"I think he said he keeps his key at a corner in his house, where is it?" she mused as she looked around, searching the flower pot that were placed on the windowsill outside. Just as she was about to turn, her elbow hit a place and the key fell down with a thud. She swerved around swiftly and saw the key on the floor.
"Found it!" She beamed a little smile and picked it.She pushed the key into the keyhole and twisted it. She twisted the doorknob and pushed it open. She sniffed in the air of his living room. That bachelor scent. She shuddered a little and yawned. A eleven hours and some minutes journey from London to Los Angeles was not something she could just let go like that without feeling sleepy. She dragged her feet towards his kitchen and poured some water into a cup before gulping it down.
"Wow, his apartment is quite homely." She thought. She released a deep breath of relief and went back to the living room. She pushed up the cream colored curtains and the sun of the noon seeped in. She shaded her face away and went ahead to pull up the remaining curtains. Placed before her, are sets of chairs with dark brown fur materials, an average flat screen and speaker set. Perks of being a male with no lady at home. She chuckled. Ever since they started dating, she has not been able to visit him at his own house. All they do is video chat, well their relationship could be one they called a long distance relationship. She walked towards the three sitter chair and slumped down on it. She went through her phone messages and saw that the time was 3:14 PM.She went ahead to re-read the birthday message she had sent to him at exactly 12:00 AM. It was no lie she stayed awake to send that. She breathed out with relief as she rested her head on the chair and slowly dozed off. Hours Later*
A message alert beeped on her phone, making her open her eyes. She looked at the time and saw that it was 5:13 PM. Almost two hours of sleeping. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and stood up."Oh my gosh, I need to prepare before he comes back." She thought aloud as she remembered what she came here to do for him.It was his twenty-fifth birthday and she was here for a huge surprise for him. She hurriedly ran to the room and pulled out the clothes and heels she has brought. Quickly ran to the bathroom and had a clean bath with a shave.She wanted to give him a special gift. Something so special. She bit on her lower lip as she envisioned it.After she was done, she wore a free shirt she got from his wardrobe with a tube bra under; she was having a second thought of not wearing a tube bra; with a pair of baggy trousers to show just how homely she was. She packed her hair into a messy bun and stared at the mirror in his room as she applied some lip gloss. She really has to make this night special. She sat down and awaited him.
"Maybe I should cook before he comes back." She grinned at the thought and hurried into the kitchen. The dinner could even make it more romantic. She thought.She brought the utensils she was going to use and started.

MINE, FOREVER Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora