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*Next day*

~Demetrius POV~

I picked the telephone and placed it close to my right ear.

"Hi, Claire," I said.

"How may I help you, sir?" She asked.

"Tell Miss Ophelia to come to my office," I said with a small smirk.

"Okay, sir." She replied and I dropped the telephone.

A smirk appeared on my lips as I stared at the laptop before me. You can guess I love the game I am playing.

~Ophelia's POV~

"Bye." Kelly waved at me. I smiled at her and got into the cab. My phone started ringing in my bag. I ransacked through my bag and finally brought it out. I saw that it was my mother. I frowned.

"Hello, mom." I said to her.

"Hi, Ophelia. How are you doing? I missed your call." She said.

"You missed my call or you did not want to talk to me? I called you in the evening and you are returning the call in the morning. Anyways, I got the job and I am on my way there." I said to her. I heard her sigh.

"It's okay. I understand that you are angry with me but I was so busy yesterday. Like the diner was active yesterday and I could not rest that much. Sorry." She apologized. There she goes with the excuse again.

"Okay, it is alright. Was just worried about you." I said.

The cab soon stopped in front of the company. I gave him his pay and walked in.

"What of Kelly?" She asked.

"She has gone to class. Mom, I will talk to you later. I'm at work already." I said and did not wait for her to talk before disconnecting.

I stopped and regained my posture before going in.

"Good morning." The receptionist greeted me. I formed a little smile at her and she marked my attendance before I went into the elevator.

I hope this boss of mine does not make life hard for me here. Well, I am also not soft but, am I?

I walked into my office and soon started working.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The telephone close to my table rang. I reluctantly took my gaze away from the monitor and picked the telephone. "Hi, how may I help you?" I said.

"The boss requests your presence in his office." The Secretary said. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to why he wants to see me.

"Okay, I will be there in a few minutes." I said and dropped the telephone.

Gosh, what does he want from me now?

I exhaled trying to calm my racing heart.

I stood and tucked my shirt properly before exiting the office with great reluctance.

Stepping out of the elevator, I saw the Secretary typing away on her keyboard.

"Good morning." I greeted. She looked up.

"Good morning. You can go in." She said. I smiled politely and twisted the door knob before entering. I looked forward and saw him focused on his laptop. I breathed out and took bold steps towards him.

"Good morning, sir." I greeted with a slight bow. He did not respond. I narrowed my eyes on him and swallowed lightly.

"Good morning, sir." I said again and still got no reply.

MINE, FOREVER जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें