Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

"Tia Y/N?!" Someone yelled out. Through my blurry gaze, I can make out a shape of white. By the sound of the voice, I can tell who it is. "Mirabel..." I said. That's the last thing I said. Then everything went black.

-Who Are You??-


I open my eyes and realize I'm back at the nursery room. I feel so dizzy. I guess I can't use it too much. It's draining my energy. I turn my head to look out the window and realize it's nighttime.

I feel my throat dry, quickly realizing that I need to drink some water. I let out a sigh and move to stand up. I quietly walk out of the nursery room, and make my way to the kitchen.

"Casita? Where are the glasses?" I asked the house. I turn my head when there's a sound to see the cabinet opens up. I walk towards the cabinet and grab one of the glass. I pour some water and start to drink.

As I drink the water, I can hear distinct noises. I turn my head to look around. I don't think it's Casita, as I hear murmuring. I decided to inspect it. I follow the sound, trying not to make any sound because I don't want to alert whoever it is.

I can see someone crouching by the cabinet, by the posture, I can tell that it's a man. "Who are you?" I said. The person jumps and turns to look at me. "Uhh..." he stuttered. "Answer me!!" I said. He rushes towards me and covers my mouth, trying to make me shut up.

I place my hand on his, trying to pry it away from my mouth. I can see flashing of images in my head. I can see him in the middle of a green dome. He's seeing random images. It didn't look like the last, because it looks different from how I always see things. Which means, this man is seeing the future. Something in my mind clicked.

I manage to remove his hand from my mouth. I turn to look at him. "You're Bruno..." I said. "H-How did you know me?" He said, looking at me in shock. "You and your family are not the only one granted with magic. I have one too. I can see the past by contact or the person's personal belongings" I said. He just nods his head, looking too speechless to say anything.

"I thought you left. But.. you're still here" I said. He nods his head. "Well... the mountains around here are pretty tall, ya know. Wait... you're not from here. How did you get here? And who are you?" he said. "My name is Y/N and I uh... climbed the mountains. It's pretty exhausting... but I can tell you are lying. You didn't leave not because the mountain are tall. But because you still want to be a part of this family" I said. He looks down and nods his head. I can see the sadness in his eyes.

"I have to go now. Don't tell anyone I'm here..." he said. "But..." I said. "Please?" He said, looking at me with pleading eyes. I let out a sigh and nod my head. "Where are you hiding these whole time?" I asked. He lets out a sigh and gestures me to follow him. I just follow him, since I know he's harmless. He's acting nervous, someone like that can't be a bad person.


We are now standing inside a room, there's rats in all corner of the room. I kneel down as one of them approach me cautiously. The rat stare at me with its big and rounded eyes.

"Hello..." I said, smiling at it. It let out a soft squeak sound as if saying hello too. I let out a giggle and use my finger to gently caress its head. I'm wearing my glove so I don't have to worry about seeing random visions.

Bruno P.O.V

I continue to stare at Y/N. She looks like someone I have seen in on of my visions. Same appearance... and same name. But could it actually be her?


I'm standing in the middle of my vision cave. I used my power to see the future. I could see a girl with me, and we're in a lake. I saw that the two of us were holding hands. I can see 'myself' staring at her with a love struck face.

She turned to look at me and smiled softly. "Why're you looking at me like that?" She asked. "I'm just so happy that I get to meet you" 'I' said. She smiles at 'me.'

"Yeah? Well... I'm happy to meet you too" she said. I can see 'myself' smiling happily as 'I' pull her into a hug.

I love you, __

End of Flashback

"Bruno... hello?" Someone said, waving a hand in front of my face. I shake my head as I snap out of my thought. I turn to look at her. She's looking at me with her soft gaze. It reminds me of the vision I saw.


"Are you okay?" I said, looking at him worriedly. He blinks his eyes and take a step back, stumbling over a bucket which sends him tumbling backward. I let out a gasp as I cover my mouth as he fell.

"Gosh! Are you alright, Bruno?" I said. I rush to him, but slip on a mob. I fall forward, landing right on top of Bruno. Our face only a few millimeters away. We stare at each other, as a blush slowly starts to form on both of our faces.

"Uh... s-sorry about t-that..." I said. I quickly move away from him. "It's uh... it's okay" he said. He sits up and looks away from me, his cheeks still red. I blush deeply and looks away.

I don't know why I'm even nervous because of him. I just met him for goodness sake! Stop beating so fast you stupid heart!

"Are you okay though?" I asked, trying to get rid of the awkwardness that's been lingering in the room. He clears his throat and nods his head. "I'm alright" he said. I smile softly at him. He smiles back at me.


I've stayed long enough. I think it's best if I head back before Mirabel finds out I'm not on the bed next to hers. She would suspect something. Bruno told me himself that he didn't want anyone to know that he's still around. He wouldn't tell me why... and I don't want to invade his privacy by looking into his past.

"I think I need to head back" I said. "Uh... yeah... of course" he said. He gets up from his spot and offers me his hand. I place my hand on top of his. He pulls me up to my feet.

We make our way to the painting. He push it open and look around. Then he turns to look at me and smiles softly. "It's safe... you're good to go" he said. I nod my head and walks out of the paintings.

"Are you going to come visit again?" He said in a nervous tone. "Yeah.. of course. I don't want you to feel lonely, Bruno" I said. He smiles at me and turn around. But before he leaves he turns to me again. "Goodnight, Y/N" he said. "Goodnight, Bruno..." I said, smiling at him. "Knock knock knock knock... knock on wood!" He said. He enters the painting.

In that short amount of time that I know him. I realize that he's actually VERY superstitious. Some may be creeped out... but I find that quite cute.

"Oh sheesh! What am I even thinking!!!" I said to myself. I shake my head and turn around. I quickly rush to the nursery room, not wanting to get caught.

I enter the room quietly and sighs in relief when I realize Mirabel is still sound asleep. I enter the room, letting Casita close the door. I make my way to the bed and lay down. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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