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I was sleeping peacefully in my room when an alarm went out.

No, not a normal alarm, the alarm of an attack. A rogue attack to be more specific.

I dragged myself up, I was too comfortable to get up, but I had to. I heard frantic voices outside the window, and soon, I heard my name being yelled out.

"SYLVIA! SYLVIA!" The voice that I recognized was Ryker's voice yelled. He was one of the people I had gotten along with during my stay in the pack house. I'm basically living in it, so I'd have to get along with the people in here. I met him along with a few others. They were my only friends.

I was dragged out of bed by Ryker, my legs barely obliging. Before I knew it, I was stuck in a room filled with other women and children, who were defenseless. Great, they think I'm defenseless too.

Well, I mean it's only been a month since I had been turned into a werewolf so I didn't have all the abilities yet. But I have most of it, and I think that's enough to defend myself. But, of course, they weren't risking it. Caine would most probably rip their heads off if ever I died. RIP.

Well, that was if he cared. He kept ignoring me and even though I knew it was because of the curse, I couldn't help but feel sad. Correction: my wolf couldn't help but feel sad. Not me.

Well, I mean, me too because of the mate pull. Stupid mate pull.

No, you like him too, not just because of me or the mate pull, my wolf argued.

This is ridiculous.

Humans are ridiculous.


My conversation with my wolf was short-lived because soon, the door to the safe house was ripped open. I don't think it's called 'safe house' now, because it wasn't safe anymore. I spotted a random bow and arrow on a table, just around a corner. I quickly grabbed it and aimed on a wolf, but I missed. It was my first time trying archery, and my aim was very bad. And when I mean very bad, I mean terrible. So I just did anything I could think of.

I grabbed the arrow and stabbed the wolf in its neck, but then I stopped when I saw the life draining out of him. I had just killed someone. I killed a wolf to be precise. A Rogue, the most pitiful kind but also the most dangerous. They had no rules whatsoever but they were also a free-for-all kill.

I gulped and dropped the arrow after realizing what I had done. Another Rogue, seeing that I was currently lost in thought jumped on top of me, I crossed my arms above my face to protect my head. Just like how Caine had told me to. The wolf's claws slashed on my forearm, I quickly grabbed the arrow and knocked it unconscious, which is better than killing it, because I would forever feel guilty just like the guilt I felt for the other wolf.

The safe house had its door open, forced open my the Rogues outside. There were children and pregnant women who were freaking out, but their target wasn't them. I figured that we weren't their target, they were just making the women's mates panic so that they wouldn't be as focused. It was a strategy that was working well.

Soon, they noticed this and started fighting normally, glancing at their mates and children once in a while. My wolf whined in jealousy, wanting our mate to do the same.

Soon, maybe once we get the antidote or cure or whatever it's called. I told my wolf, getting annoyed of her whines.

I hope it's sooner than later, I need to be cared about too!

I mentally rolled my eyes at my wolf. She is so needy.

All she-wolves are needy, we like being cared for, my wolf countered. You're also needy because I'm you and you're me.

I didn't have the time to respond since one of the Rogues went on top of me and knocked me out.

Turns out I was also one of the targets.

My vision started getting blurry, black dots started appearing and soon, I blacked out. But before I did, I saw Charlotte, one of my friends, in wolf form, attacking the Rogue.

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