Chapter 24

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This witch is delusional.

I mean, who would think that I would make a good meal? I'm all bones.

Who is she? Hansel and Gretel's witch? 

A ruthless cackle escaped the witch's lips as she started throwing mushrooms, ogre's teeth, giant hairs, and other 'you don't want to know' yucky ingredients.

The cauldron's boiling heat along with the strong disgusting stench of the ingredients that were in the cauldron was simply too much for me.

I gagged at the scent that was coming out of the cauldron, and, basically, my scent, since it was all over me now.

I watched in horror as the witch cast more flames on the cauldron, causing it to boil hotter and faster.

My head was the only part I have above the surface, and it was slowly submerging in the substance in the cauldron as the witch added more and more ingredients inside.

Wolf me, it would be a really nice time to help me out right now.


Hello? I asked in my head.


I inwardly sighed, my head was slowly being submerged by the speed the witch was mixing and adding things.

"Imagine," my wolf's vulnerable and soft voice echoed inside my head.


But before I could get any more answers, the link was cut off. I guess both of us were having a hard time reaching each other, not only me then.

What do I do with imagining?

Imagine. Imagine. Imagine. Imagine.

Just imagine something, brain!

Unicorns, unicorns, unicorns, unicorns... I imagined an elegant white unicorn, its bleach-white mane covering half its neck, with a golden horn.

Then, just before the potion, or whatever you call it fully submerged my entire figure, I was suddenly transported to another land.

And, of course, with a unicorn.


I've always wanted to meet one in real life, and this is as close as it can get to 'real', since I don't think there are any unicorns in the not-dream world.

If someone looked at where I was right now, I would look really out of place in this magical and mythical place. Everything was just so perfect.

And as if the world was saying 'no' to me, the unicorn turned absolutely evil.

Its used-to-be white skin turned completely black, its innocent blue eyes turned flaring red with a murderous look. Its blue, feather-like hooves turned red, flaring like the flames. The unicorn turned into its own complete opposite.

Before the now evil unicorn can charge at me, the world spiraled in my head.

I started feeling light-headed.

And then, I was out of the world of dreams.


Someone was poking me, non-stop.

I opened my eyes and was instantly blinded by the sun's light. It's just how it is when you just woke up and suddenly see the light.

"Stop it!" My croaky voice croaked.

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