Chapter 17 - Hidden In Darkness

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Alexa's POV:

Although darkness swallowed me whole in this silent alleyway, the moon above provided a small glowing light that might as well have been a spotlight onto the body laying in front of me.

The skinny girl laying motionless on the ground had short dark hair and similar looking clothes that Alessia had been wearing, but it couldn't have been her. This girls clothes looked darker, and clung more to her body. Denial slipped into my mind as I noticed a familiar set of eyes staring blankly in my direction. The only difference in them was that the light I usually saw in Alessia's eyes looked dim. As I got closer I noticed her clothes and the stone pavement that carried her dead weight was covered in a pool of blood. Alessia's blood.

Realisation sunk deep into my core chasing away the denial that desperately wanted to stay. Through my shock I hardly noticed the familiar chill that now felt like ice running through my veins. Even as shadows whizzed by me from the corners of my eyes, all I could focus on was Alessia's motionless body and blank expression. Most people would have screamed or ran in the opposite direction but I knew evil was all around me. I also knew that I would be unable to escape it. Something in the pit of my stomach gave me some kind of insight I've never had before. There was no way I would abandon Alessia or her body if she were dead. She deserved better than that, and I would never be able to live with myself if I ran away.

I ran full speed towards her until my knees hit the dark wet pavement at full force. I was too numb to notice the holes in my tracksuit, rocks embedded into my knees or the blood trickling down mixing with hers on the ground below us.

I lifted her head in my arms and engulfed her in a tight hug as if to protect her from the memory of what had just happened.

Although it was silent around me, I could hear the sound of my blood rushing through my veins and felt every pulse around my body beating frantically to its own drum. Alessia's face was pale and cold. I don't understand what could have done something in a matter of seconds. I look down at her neck where most of the blood soaked into my top, and noticed two puncture wounds. A part of me knew what this was but my brain was still trying to come up with more logical explanations. I put my hand on her wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding, and could just make out her irregular pulse. She must have been passed out with the amount of blood loss as she refused to move. Her pulse was very weak and I knew she was running out of time.

Rather than fear or sadness crippling me, I felt anger. Intense and raw anger at myself for not being here, and towards the person who had done this. I stood doing my best to lift her body into my arms. I may have been larger than her, but I was by no means a physically strong person. Thankfully adrenaline did its part.

"Clap... Clap... Clap... I've never seen a reaction like yours before. I'm so glad I chose my stage well."

I turn around and see a tall skinny man. My eyes had adjusted well enough to the darkness to make out his pale face and bright red eyes. He had long blonde hair that was tied into a low ponytail, and wore a long black cloak that almost reached the ground. He easily could have hidden in the shadows this whole time and was obviously watching the scene unfold in front of him like a sick twisted stalker.

The warm and cold tingles I had felt earlier were magnified by ten now. I felt like hot invisible flames and ice were crackling up the sides of my arms. The cold chill was everywhere and the heat was around my chest and face. The hot feeling intensified near my pendant and my eyes, however I was too focused on the threat in front of me to pay full attention to it.

"Why would you do this to her. What kind of cold hearted, sick person are you?" I spoke angrily through gritted teeth as my arms began to tremble while gripping Alessia's frail body.

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