Chapter 50 - Raindrop falls

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Alexa's POV:

"Since you're feeling much better, how about we go to your favourite spot and finish our chat?" Alessia suggests. I oblige. Anything to make this conversation easier to swallow.

We dressed in our bathers and put a dress on top of them. After letting our parents know where we were headed, we walked towards the door. "Be back in time for dinner." They yell out as we start walking down the path.

"Hey Alexa, do you even know where your going? Isn't this your first time here?" Alessia says side eyeing me as we walked.

"Yeah it is, but I can feel the waterfall. I know that sounds strange but I can tell you it's around a twenty minute walk or ten minute run." I say before sprinting into a run racing Alessia there.

After ten minutes of racing Alessia falls beside me heaving for air. I barely made up a sweat I thought to myself.

"What are you, and what have you done with my very unfit best friend?" Alessia says gasping for air between words.

"Well apparently I am half witch and half wolf, and I have worked my butt off to make these sudden improvements to my fitness. I didn't even need to rely on Glimmer this time!" I say proudly. "Don't you just call upon your wolf for help when you need it, you shouldn't be this tired?"

"It's kind of a little different for me." Alessia admits before continuing.

"My witch side is more powerful than my wolf side. I do have a wolf, her name is Flow, but sadly my wolf doesn't have a physical form. She makes some of my senses stronger like my hearing, smell and strength but my eyes don't change into my wolves. I feel bad for her, I know she longs to experience what it's like to run in wolf form but my body isn't compatible, and if we try I likely won't survive the change."

"I'm so sorry Alessia. Even though I haven't put any thought into what it would be like, I can understand your wolves desire to feel free." I don't remember the two times I have shifted into my wolf form, but wish there was a way to help her. It's just genetics I guess. It's just like our body shape and height, it's who we are and there's no changing that."

"Anyway enough about me and on to the fun stuff. I don't know what you know so I'm going to explain it all. Firstly the word mate is short for 'soulmate' meaning you only get one. You will know who they are from the moment you meet them.

Everything about them will draw you in. Their smell and touch are the two key signs. They will smell like the best smell imaginable and will vary depending on each wolf or vampire's likes and dislikes. The other sign is touch. When you first touch your mate your wolf connects to theirs and a bond is formed. It sends an electric current through you. Most wolves describe it to be sparks, or warm tingling vibrations that move as the other person touches you. The longer you are around your mate the harder it will be to go without them for long periods of time. It's especially hard once you have completed the mating process."

"Okay so once you get down and dirty in other words?" I say following.

"Yeah but there is more to it than having sex. Once you touch your mate your body begins to crave each other. The woman go through something called 'heat' and the only way to sooth the hot flushes and pain you experienced earlier, is to be intimate with your mate. Heat can last between 3-5 days and grows in intensity the longer you ignore it. Male wolves who are not mated yet, can smell a female in heat and their wolves instincts take over. It almost happened to Ron, your fathers gamma while you were unconscious."

"What?" I screamed out in shock. "Are you telling me I almost got raped?"

"Calm down, Abe knocked him out and your father was seconds away from using an Alpha command, so it would not have gotten to that! If you were alone and conscious you would have been begging him to help relieve the pain. A males touch temporarily provides relieve from the heat however only your mate can put it out for good or at least for a long period of time depending on what you have done. It's our animals instinct to want to procreate and it's much worse if your an Alpha or Luna as the desire and need to create an heir is impossible to ignore." Alessia says.

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