Chapter 41 - Facing Old Enemies.

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Some physical violence/ mention of sexual assault/rape.

Alexa's POV:

"Glimmer, I could really use your help right about now. Lend me your super hearing or whatever it's called." I begged her to make an appearance. I tried patiently waiting and became frustrated at the burning flame around my neck every time I tried. There was a time I was trying to ignore her thinking I was crazy but now... I needed her support more than I realised. I got used to hearing her in my head occasionally talking sense into me. I tried to reach out to her as I stepped onto the bus with still no luck.

I made eye contact with the bus driver and sat near the exit in case I needed as fast escape. My eyes scanned over a man holding up a newspaper and and woman with a child on her knee. At first my thoughts went to asking for help but when I saw that innocent child, I realised I was the one causing them potential harm by being here.

I got off the bus two stops early and walked a fast pace. I was already tired from the work out at the gym but the adrenaline pumping through my body helped me stay focused. My eyes darted towards every shadow that moved and my hearing zoned in on anything and everything that disturbed the peace.

I realised too late that there was no sound at all. No insects buzzing, no birds rustling in the branches and absolutely no cars down this road. It was one thing to want to protect others but it was plain stupid to completely be isolated. I had more chance walking the long way down roads, where cars would make an appearance from time to time, than the shortcut dirt pathway I now walked through in the forest.

"Well, We'll, Well... if it isn't my favourite human, or whatever you are..."

I spun to my right and my eyes made contact with the bright red eyes of Ash. Looking at him now I could actually see the resemblance between Crim and Ash other than their colour eyes and way they wore their expressions, they were very similar.

I flung my right hand to my heart exaggerating the movements while trying to keep my heart at a steady pace as I laughed.

"Oh! haha, it's only you." I rolled my eyes and turned back the way I was facing and kept walking. I kept an eye on him through my peripheral vision, but I knew no matter where I was facing he was much quicker than I was. Might as well not feed into his desire to scare people.

"Wow never seen that one before.." Ash said while now walking beside me on my right. He moved so fast from where he stood it almost through me off but I managed to appear calm and collected. My necklace wasn't as hot now for some reason which helped me keep my heartbeat steady.

"I've never seen anyone stupid enough to turn their back on me. I also noticed your heart was beating more frantically before you saw me. A predator that could rip into your artery at any given moment."

I looked at him and gave a genuine smile. I knew he wanted a reply, so naturally I looked straight ahead and continued walking. My necklace thrummed in warning. Good I was angering him. I know what you may be thinking... I'm crazy right? But the truth is, until I learn to control the abilities I have, I will always keep being weak. "When I ask you a question I expect you to answer it."

"Okay." I said as I continued walking. My necklace thrummed hotter than before, and the next thing I knew, I was flung against a tree. My body was now in a seated position. My back leant against the large tree truck and the trees thick roots dug into my bottom. I raised my hand to the back of my skull. There was no blood thankfully, the last thing I needed was to tempt him into devouring me for dinner, but the hit was hard enough to cause a instant migraine. I looked up at him from my seated position and calmly asked; "Now what was that for?" With a raise of my right brow.

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