Chapter 112 - The Witch

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Alexa's POV:

Before I could crumble into a million pieces onto the floor, Alessia appeared beside me in a ball of smoke keeping me anchored. 

The woman on the right had long grey hair making her look old. Her face however looked twenty five. Overall she looked okay other than being very thin and poorly cared for. Her long dress looked tattered and more like rags and she had no shoes on her feet. They were cut and bleeding though she hid her pain well. Her eyes were blue and held a kindness and wisdom in them I hadn't seen before. I could tell she was a caring soul. Her eyes flicked over towards Zander and I could have sworn I saw recognition in her eyes.

When my eyes looked to her left I couldn't help the scream that emerged from my throat. "Dad!" My eyes landed on his beaten and broken figure. His head was slumped forward, his leg and fingers were broken and his chest had rainbow coloured bruises on them. The silver chains would have prevented his wolf from healing or mind linking his pack.

Alessia held onto my shaking hands. It took all of the little focus I had to not let my anger and magic take control. Alessia was standing too close to not get burnt.

I saw the effort it took for my father to raise his head after hearing my voice. His eyes were swollen but managed to open just enough to see me.

"My.." he whispered meekly. "Little moon."

Tears filled my eyes but my anger refused to let them fall. "What have you done to him." I growled. My voice far from quiet or shaky as I stood on my own two feet. I nodded to Alessia who let go of my arm and took a few steps back. 

The warriors in front of me parted like the sea before Moses, as I approached the front. Only once I was standing a few metres away from them all, did the witch decide to speak.

"Ah.. there is that anger I desperately wanted to see. The same anger I have inside of me. Maybe now you will understand before you die. I'm not heartless enough to kill you without an explanation."

I heard Zander, Abe and Alessia walk up and stop a few metres behind me. This was their way of showing support and protection. Zander was the closest not affected by the heat radiating from my body, but he kept his distance allowing me to remain in charge of the situation.

"Whatever your reasons are, I still don't think they will be enough to justify all the innocent lives lost today." I say taking steady breaths cooling my heated skin.

"On second thoughts, it might be easier to show you." As her words left her mouth her pendant floated off her neck and towards me. 

"Don't touch it Alexa, you can't trust her." Jax yelled out before Zander had the chance. 

Alessia walked up to me and held my hand. "We can watch together." She said waiting for my confirmation. I reached up and was transported to the past.

A beautiful girl with a huge smile and long raven hair was rolling on the grass with her mate, play fighting and tickling each other. The sound of their laughter and joy filled the air.

"I can't wait to mark you tonight Glacey. You've made me wait too long already" The man said with excitement filling his eyes.

"Two weeks isn't that long considering I wanted to wait until marriage Kade" Giggled the young girl.

"Yes well us wolves work a little different to you witches. We should really think about running away. Both our councils won't accept us being together, we're too different."

"You got that right!" Came a voice filled with anger and disgust. Glacey and Kade staggered to their feet in surprise, but it appeared as though Kade recognised the man.

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