Sleepover Pt 1

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"Good!" Karasu grabbed the knobs and pulled the doors open. "Hey everyone! My friend is here!" He announced.

His siblings stopped what they were doing and looked towards the doorway. Karasu stood there with his arms extended outward as if he was presenting you. You gave them a smile and waved shyly. All of his siblings lit up with excitement and rushed over to the door to greet you. They were pushing and shoving each other out of the way to reach the door first.

In the end, the girl that Karasu had transformed into the other day, got to the door first. She held out her hand for you to shake.

"Hello~! My name is Clair, it's so good to meet you!" She gave you a closed eyed smile.

You felt a blush spread across your face. Karasu's older sister was cute. Her voice didn't help either since it sounds so sweet and soothing.

"M-my name is Y/N. And it's good to meet you too!" You shook her hand. Her hand was very soft.

She looked like she was going to say something else only to get shoved out of the way by her younger brother.

"My name is Shiva! Nice to meetcha!" He smiled widely at you, ignoring the glare his sister was sending his way.

He had dark red curly hair. His eyes were green and the part that was usually white was black instead. He didn't just have two eyes, he had three, and all three of them were staring at you. It was strange but cool at the same time. He had dark skin and was wearing a gray-ish green-ish hoodie with dark blue jeans.

"My name is–"

"Y/N?" He raised a brow at you. "Yeah I heard. I mean, we're all at the doorway."

"Right. It's nice to meet you!" You beamed.

"You're really cute, you know that?" He smirked at you.

"Shiva! Stop trying to flirt with my friend!" Karasu said as he pushed his brother away. Meanwhile Shiva just laughed.

"I'm Hipno!"

"And I'm Tizar!" The two little girls introduced themselves.

Hipno had two buns on her head and the left half of her hair was green and the other was pink. Her eyebrows were the opposite too. The eyebrow on the left side was pink and the eyebrow on the right was green. She had light skin and her eyes. Well, her eyes were mesmerizing. Around her pupil were circles of different colors; pink, green, black and white. She had a pink heart shaped birthmark underneath her left eye. She wore a black tank top with a light blue off the shoulders long sleeve top. A skirt that reached her knees and a black choker accompanied her shirt.

Tizar, much like her sister, had two buns as well. Everything was the same, except for the colors. Tizar's right side was yellow and her left was lavender purple. Her right eyebrow was purple, her left one yellow. Her eyes, while her sister's were mesmerizing, hers were truly hypnotic. Her eyes had swirls of black, yellow, and purple that completely took up her entire eye, just like her sisters. She had her heart shaped birthmark beneath her right eye. She wore the same outfit as her sister except her shirt was a light green.

"It's so nice to meet you! You both have pretty eyes!" You told them.

"Thanks!" They gave you a wide smile, practically barring their teeth at you. You were taken aback by their teeth. They had triangle shaped teeth that looked sharp, like that of a shark. They were the size of normal human teeth but still unexpected.

"Did we scare you–"

"With our teeth?" They asked, laughing at the look on your face. They either finished each other's sentences or they talked at the same time.

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