Epilogue (Uni 103)

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Jumping a few years into the future, you were all living a happy life. How about we look at the Moon family first?

Clair had opened up a bakery with the help of her aunt and her brother, Shiva. It was the best thing she'd ever done, not only was she able to make a career out of her passion, but she also met her special someone. It was a girl named Ameila, she was an angel too. With Diavolo's program, the three realms had become much more united. Humans and angels visited the Devildom basically everyday, and the same could be said about the other realms.

As of now, the two women were engaged and planning out their wedding, which Shiva insisted on baking the cake for, and Grisella insisted on helping them pick out dresses, though they couldn't decide if one should wear a white dress and the other black, or if they should both wear white. They even wondered if they should choose a different color since, as Ameila put it, white was too soulless.

Meanwhile Shiva was in the process of asking a cute human out on a date. The human in question was a regular at the bakery. They always ordered a caramel latte and three chocolate chip cookies. Shiva made sure they got the best of the best, and the human, named Rowan, knew it. Thanks to Shiva's siblings, Rowan knew the demon was in love with them. It's a good thing for Shiva that Rowan loved them too. Unfortunately for them, Shiva was a bit dense. They were already together, but Shiva didn't realize it. Not to worry, he would soon.

Somnia was still single, not that he minded. He didn't have a desire to be with anyone, especially since he recently found his love for science. He'd gone to college and graduated so now he was working on making more advanced and effective medicine for insomnia. He got to work with such brilliant minds and everyday was new, fresh, and exciting.

The twins were doing great. They were both very popular at school and they had branched out and created more friends. They were even president and vice president of the student council, after all, the brothers had to move on eventually. Don't worry, the twins no longer want to be dictators, but they did seem to be working towards getting jobs in the government or becoming politicians. On top of that, they had made discoveries about themselves. Since their four older siblings had moved out, they finally got separate rooms. Though they still hang out together all the time.

Tizar came out to everyone as trans, though he kept his name the same. On top of that he realized why he liked "girly" things so much but hated them on his body. He wanted to dress femininely but as a boy. After that revelation, everything was better. Of course his family was in full support and Hipno blew her entire allowance to help Tizar feel more comfortable with himself.

Tizar had picked up writing, he took charge of the school paper as well, his articles were the best of the best. The cream of the crop. This also inspired him to try writing, and by now he'd written a few novels that were actually very popular, and one of them was getting a movie adaptation. On top of that he'd started helping out at the elementary school, since he loved working with kids. They were just so cute, and they provided him with fun stories to tell his family.

Meanwhile, Hipno came out as bisexual. She had more of a dark academia aesthetic and dressed more masculine. She also picked up the electric guitar and formed a band of her own. Which was actually doing pretty good and had already been booked for a few birthday parties and surprisingly, weddings. Both of the twins would go to pride parades, which were a thousand times better since, well, there was magic. The twins may not be tied at the hip anymore, but they'd only grown closer.

Bella and Luke went to the same school. There were still a few demon-only, angel-only, and human-only schools, but the majority of the schools mixed all of the races. The two of them had started a video-game club and were looking into game development as an option for their future, as well as agriculture and culinary. They both really did have a lot of options. On occasion they'd join Levi in one of his video game livestreams.

Speaking of Levi, let's move onto the brother, shall we? Levi had decided to go down the gaming route. He did twitch streams, anime reactions, unboxing merch, and he even did diving videos. Yup, he'd gone to college for marine biology, and graduated but being a Deviltuber seemed more appealing to him. He was very popular, and the audience especially loved his pet, Jeff.

Levi had his own house, and you would spend time in his house and at your other house with Karasu and Belphie. Yes, you'd managed to make it work all these years with all three boys. While you were officially married to Karasu and Belphie (and they were married to each other) you were still engaged to Levi. You both agreed it just wasn't time for marriage yet.

On another note, Karasu helped witches acquire potion ingredients that they couldn't get themselves. He worked a few other odd jobs but it was fine, plus he was the main person that worked the finances and created the budgets. He was sort of like a male wife. Or a stay at home husband. Belphie had his own mattress firm where all his mattresses were rated five stars. So in short, the company was very successful. Meanwhile you got your degree and were making bank in your chosen profession.

Asmo and Solomon had gotten married around the same time that you married Karasu and Belphie. There were a lot of weddings that year. There was your wedding, MC's wedding, and of course, Asmo's wedding.

Asmo had become an influencer, and started his own make-up company. It was going great and his make-up line was highly regarded. Solomon was out there being the greatest wizard known to man, which was a job that involved a lot of traveling. Of course this mixed well with Asmo's influencer job as he got to make blogs trying new things in different countries, realms, and even universes. Asmo's ring was the brightest anyone had ever seen.

Solomon had dragged you, along with a few of his other friends, on a trip to acquire the "love gem." It was the rarest type of gem in all realms, it was a very dangerous voyage, but Solomon had acquired it and turned it into a ring just for Asmo. So of course Asmo showed it off anytime he could.

Beel went on to become a professional basketball player. He had a wife as well, not to mention they were already expecting. Quite similarly to MC and Mammon. MC and Mammon were already married and were expecting their child too. So at the very least their kids would be the same age.

MC was working with children as a teacher. Mammon had finally gotten rid of all his debt and was able to buy MC and his future child a pretty big house. With Mammon's job as an accountant he was able to actually buy the things he wanted without going into debt!

So you're probably wondering, what happened to Lucifer? Well, to answer it shortly, you two didn't last. It wasn't a messy break-up, it wasn't even a bad one, the two of you just decided to go separate ways, it was the best for both of you. But what did happen to Lucifer? Well, he took over Diavolo's spot as the principal of RAD. He dealt with a lot of troublemakers, but it was a rewarding job. It did help that most trouble makers were handled by Hipno and Tizar. Seriously, those two were on top of things.

As per his dating life...well, he was engaged to Diavolo. The two had spent countless nights working together and people tend to grow close when that happens. Diavolo had always adored Lucifer, so this wasn't really a surprise to anyone who wasn't Lucifer. It'd been a slow and agonizing process, but everyone cheered when the two of them finally got together.

Satan helped out Diavolo around the castle, he specifically worked in the library where he met a cute guy named Oliver. The two of them really hit it off and they were dating now. They lived in the same home with three cats. Little did they both know they'd end up proposing to each other during the next blue moon.

Barbatos and Simeon had opened up a tea shop together. They both had a lot more free time and who doesn't enjoy tea? Grisella had started up a dress boutique on the side while still being a witch. Bucky discovered new species in many realms but would make sure to balance work and his personal life so he'd have time to see you and his mother.

"Goodnight, my adoring husbands." You were sandwiched between Karasu and Belphie.

"Goodnight, Y/N." They both said. You all cuddled together, as you continued living your wonderful life.

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