A Hangout

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"So that's why your stuck to the jar?" Simeon asked after you'd all regrouped and explained the situation.

"Heh, yeah. I don't know how I keep getting into these situations." You laughed.

"We really can't leave you by yourself, can we?" Bella sighed. But she was delighted to have some of the pollen. Her parents never let her have any.

"Maybe we could use some on the cake?" Luke suggested.

"You're right! Luke you're a genius!" Bella yelled as she shook the other child.

"Thannnnk yooouuuu!" He yelled despite the shaking.

"You're gonna make a cake?" Lucifer asked.

"Yes. However first we have to get unstuck from the jar."

"Looks like you're stuck in a—"

"Karasu, I've already beat you to it."

"Ah man! First you go to the carnival without me and now you steal my jokes?"

"It's not stealing if I told them first."

Karasu pouted. "Did you go with them to the carnival?" He asked as you began walking to his house.

"No I bumped into them when I was leaving. I just stumbled into the carnival and Jake, of all people actually told me what was going on."

"No way! Jake did that?"

"Yeah I was surprised too! By the way, how do you get rid of this?" You gestured to the jar.

"Usually warm water does the trick, but only for skin." Belphie told you.

"At least there's a way to get it off."

"Why do you have some on your face?" Lucifer asked.

"Because me and Jake were messing around and placing pollen on each other."

"It's Jake and I." Lucifer corrected you.

"Will Jake and I will end you if you correct me again." You said, jokingly.

Karasu walked in front of you and placed his hands one your shoulders. "Y/N, imma need you to be honest. Are your replacing me with Jake?"

"Pfft—of course not! I like you too much and you know you're my number one." You winked at him.

He let out a sigh of relief. "Ok, I just wanted to make sure. Now that that's figured out let's—" he tried pulling away but he couldn't.

"Now you've gone and done it. You got stuck didn't you?" Bella said as Karasu's face got red from embarrassment.

"It seems so." He confirmed her suspicion.

"This won't be an awkward walk at all." You said sarcastically.

"Heh, sorry!" Karasu said bashfully.

The rest of the walk was awkward. Except for Luke and Bella, they were having fun talking about all sorts of things. From their favorite books, movies, songs to their hobbies. Meanwhile Simeon was walking behind them making sure to keep them out of trouble. You had Lucifer walking behind you, practically breathing down your neck. He was very close and you didn't get why.



"Why are you licking my face?"

"...because it tastes sweet."

"We'll stop. I don't want you falling asleep mid walk. You can lick my face when we get home." It took you a few moments to realize how weird the sentence was. "Well, that's the first time I've ever said that."

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