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You woke up the next day with your new friend licking your face. He'd followed you the rest of the night. After dinner he followed you to the room and you decided to let it inside. It could be on land and in water for long periods of time without any issues. You and Karasu had watched movies and before going to bed you filled up the sink with water in case it wanted to swim without going outside. You groaned but smiled and patted his head. It got off the bed and went to take a dip in the sink. You tried getting out of bed but realized someone was holding you back. Karasu was spooning you and was deeply asleep.

You pinched his hand in hopes of waking him up. He didn't stir so you tried wiggling your way out of his grip, but it was no use. You turned around to face him–as that was all the movement you could do–and blew on his face. He still didn't wake up.

"Fine then sleeping beauty." You smiled and kissed his cheek. That finally caused him to stir and wake up.

"Hm, good morning." He gave you a sleepy smile.

"Good morning. Are you ready to let go of my waist?"

"Not sure I want to..." He nuzzled into your chest.

"No, it's time to wake up, no more sleeping."

"Why?" He whined as you broke free of his grasp and got out of bed. "Just five more minutes." He rolled himself up in the covers.

"Nope!" You pulled open the curtains and blinded Karasu, causing him to fall off the bed.

"Urgh!" He groaned but even then he still tried sleeping. You went over to him and un-rolled him from the blankets. You dragged him away from the bed and blankets so he couldn't go back to sleep. Your new buddy helped you by jumping on Karasu with his wet body. The water was cold too, so Karasu was definitely awake now. "Why does it have to be day?"

"Because it cannot always be night. Now put on a shirt." You tossed him a shirt as you made the bed. After he finished putting his shirt on he helped you make the bed and grabbed your shoes.

"I'm surprised the kids haven't broken into the room to get us." Karasu commented as he watched you put on your shoes. The two of you headed out with your little buddy following you.

"Yeah, but I'm sure your family is holding them back. That or they're at breakfast." You both walked with your arms linked together.

"Yeah, probably..." He leaned in quickly and kissed your neck.

"You're in a good mood for someone who just woke up."

"Well of course, I got to see you first thing in the morning." He pulled you closer and dipped you down.

"Well aren't you a romantic?" You kissed him and he pulled you up.

"Only for you~" He paused before he added, "And Belphie."

"Of course!" You continued walking until you reached the main area and found where they were serving breakfast. You both grabbed a plate and started grabbing food. After you were done, you found Karasu's family and sat down to eat with them. After saying your good mornings, you were finally introduced to Karasu's father.

"Nice to meet cha, Y/N." He held out his hand for you to shake.

"It's nice to meet you too, sir." You gave him a firm handshake.

"Firm hand shake, I like that." He gave you a smile.

You ate breakfast and fed your new friend. When the rest of the Moon family saw the little animal, they couldn't help but laugh. It was ironic.

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