1. Mess Of A Life

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WELCOME TO THE FIRST CHAPTER!! (P.S. there's gonna be a LOT of swearing in this book)


~A S H L E Y~

I am so close to going on a rampage.

Never in a million years would I have thought that leading would be so difficult. Do I enjoy working as a team? Yes. Do I enjoy working in a team headed by me? Absolutely. But would I maybe like to murder some people on my team right now? Fuck yeah.

Look its not like the people on my team aren't good enough but some of them are being real difficult with me right now and I would rather stare at a cow's ass than be here. 

"Let's just take a five okay?" I give the others a tight lipped smile with a nod before heading out to my car. I take a cigarette out and light it, feeling instantly calmed when that bitter smoke hits my throat. It's not like I haven't tried stopping, off course I have. But there's just never been someone I've been willing enough to stop it for.

Who knew being the head of one of the biggest marketing companies would be so frustrating sometimes?

I never thought before starting this damn thing that it would actually take off well. I mean its not like I did it on my own. I always had Jake around too- even though it was me who did the actual work to get this company at this point. But after that piece of shit cheated on me....lets just say I'm not the forgiving kind; even though I didn't really love him. So I took the company from him, our company, well more like mine because that asshole didn't put in any effort ever. It was my baby from the start and it still is. 

I swear to god if I ever see his face again I won't hesita-

"I told you to stop doing that shit love." Eli came up beside me leaning on my car, cutting me off from my murderous thoughts.

"And I told you to take a five so I can be alon-" He takes the cigarette out of my hand shaking his head, before throwing it on the ground and stomping his foot on it a few times, "Hey! I wasn't done with that!" I protest crossing my hands on my chest and huffing like a child who just got their candy taken away.

"Well as your assistant/BGBF I forbid you from doing this right now." he says giving me one of those deathly glares. 

He was my assistant and had been there with the company for a long long time. But he rather preferred to call himself my BGBF- Best Gay Best Friend. It's a thing you didn't know you needed until you've had one. And I don't really know how I could work this company without his support- obviously I'm never gonna admit it to him.

"Oh come on ash don't act like a kid. You know I'm just saying this because I care about you." 

"Yeah I know that I'm just really frustrated today because of-" I gesture to the building behind us "-all of this."

"Okay hear me out-" he says putting his arm over my shoulder "-how about we go in now, finish this stupid project as quick as possible, and then we go out tonight for drinks?" 

"I don't know Eli, I'm really tired today."

"Oh come on! Look I'll even call Emmy and Noah okay?" he says giving me those goddamn puppy dog eyes, like they ever work on me.

I'm not gonna lie, I did want to go but I hadn't really been out since, well the jake thing and that was like a year ago. Partying was my thing, but now I don't have any idea about what the fuck I'm gonna do. 

"Ashley honey you're thinking too much. I don't care you're coming I'm not taking no for an answer." 

"Are you forgetting who the boss here is Eli?" I said giving him a sly smile.

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