9. Have To Know My Enemies Well Don't I?

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* A I D E N *

Okay why had I said that?

Woah...fuck. Maybe I am a complete idiot. Yeah maybe she was right. 

We were just talking, surprisingly normally this time. There was no bickering involved just a playful exchange of words. She actually complimented me; she never does it. It felt like a conversation between two best friends who just love to annoy the other. It felt scarily nice. 

But we were just exactly not...that. We probably could never be friends even if we tried to. Just thinking of that feels like one big joke, and I am pretty sure she feels the same way.

I just had to go fuck up that perfectly normal conversation though right? Fucking idiot Callahan. 

I don't know what came over me but I just started babbling and then I couldn't stop. I know she didn't like people knowing her every move so well, but I can't help it I guess. Over the years I think I've paid more attention to her than any other woman. Analyzing her every step. Knowing when she lies. Detecting her every fake smile. No one probably knows about her behavior as much as me. 

And in a way it makes my pride grow even more. Knowing that she hates that I know, that even when she tries to hide it I will understand her sweet lies. It makes me feel rather special. I know it must make her despise me even strongly but whatever, it can't hurt.

She was still staring at me, shell-shocked. It was like we both were in a trance, stuck in time, surprised over what I had just said. None of the other believing the words that left my mouth. What the fuck am I even supposed to say?

She somehow averted her stare somewhere else and I let out a sigh of relief. I looked at Ashley as she avoided my gaze and stared out the window at my mother. She was chewing on her bottom lip and for some reason my dick was getting all riled up. She started grabbing at her dress with slightly shaky hands. Her eyelids were blinking frequently. She is nervous, I thought as I moved closer to her without her even realizing.

"Am I making you nervous sweetheart?" I whispered softly yet mockingly.

She shuddered, "How did you know what I do when I think?"

"Oh I know what you do when you think, when you're uneasy, or when you're really angry. I know what you feel every single time. Have to know my enemies well don't I?" I slightly bent down to get closer to her level, "Like right now, as I said, you're really fucking nervous." 

And in the next minute she was going to be really fucking furious




She swiftly turned around and gave me an extremely hateful look. But what did I do? Just smile back. Victoriously. When she saw that her jaw clenched and her palms tightly fisted, like she would just punch me, for free, right there. 

"You. Don't. Know. Fucking. Anything." She jabbed her finger in my chest, right where my heart is, with each word she said.

"Sweetheart you and I both know that's a lie." I smirked.

With another look full of rage, she turned away and stomped out of the kitchen. I smiled feeling as if I won when she accepted her silent defeat. I'm the only one who she'll ever give up to.

My mom came in with a look of disappointment on her face, of course she would be disappointed her precious Ashley Garcia is angry...or possibly hurt.

"Did you say something to Ashley?" When I didn't say anything she sighed exasperatedly and started moving stuff for the barbeque while scolding me, "I swear to god I leave you both alone for two minutes. TWO DAMN MINUTES! And you both just can't help but fight. Like whatever may have happened once before doesn't mean you have to fight like stupid 10 year old children for the rest of your lives. I bet even 10 year old children aren't as stupid as you both."

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