15. How Is This Kidnapping?

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(Also I know all of us love our morally grey book bfs but I don't think I wanna make Aiden like that. The way I see him, he loves to annoy people and he loves to speak out. He's very fun and ready for anything that gives him that adrenaline.)

~ A I D E N ~

Never thought I would be in this position. 

Sitting in a car which I was probably restricted from, with a woman who would get a restraining order on me just for fun. But there I was driving a scary old lady with a broken head. A horrendously big band-aid sat on top of her, it was making her already grumpy self even grumpier. I felt like I was driving with the grandpa from 'UP'.

Not able to handle the uncomfortable silence any longer I awkwardly cleared my throat throwing a quick look at her and then immediately looking away after seeing her face. She was glaring at me as if imagining boring holes through my head, I'm sure she'd love to do that.

"Stop looking at me like that," I muttered. That definitely did not stop her. "It's rude to stare you know?"

"I know." 

After another ten minutes of me driving and her still staring at me imagining every way she could kill me and get away with murder, it started suffocating me, "Why are you even staring like that? What did I do now? I'm just keeping the promise I made to a friend."

"What did you do now?" She scoffed, "You know this is basically kidnapping right? You are kidnapping me with my own car."

"Kidnapping? How is this kidnapping?" This was not kidnapping.

"Well, you're taking me away without my consent. I don't think I want to go anywhere with you." 

"Do you think I love to be anywhere near you? Fuck no." I laughed.

"Gee, thanks." She rolled her eyes. 

There were many ways I could make her eyes roll, and in my opinion, this was the least fun way, "I'm tired of seeing you roll your eyes. You know they might just get stuck in that broken head of yours."

And just to defy me more, she gave me another, over-exaggerated, eye roll. 

I huffed out a breath focusing back on the road. Ignoring her again, I thought of her defiance. Anyone who knew me knew that I didn't like it when something didn't go my way, call me a sick son of a bitch for that but I always needed control. Without it, I felt lost. I never lost control around anyone but her.

Though on the outside I remained calm, but inside my brain went through an unhealthy number of thoughts. All about her. I hated that I couldn't focus on other things around her. Even if I didn't want to look at her my mind betrayed me. I had the least bit of control, I hated it.

"Oh! Callahan pull over! Pull over!" She urged.

"Why the fu-" I got cut off as she demanded again.

"Just pull over."

"Do not tell me you're about to puke."

"No, you asshat. I want to get a picture of that sunset. It's so pretty, look." She pointed out with her eyes.

It did look pretty. The sun had already set, but what was beautiful was the vibrant pallet that followed it. A mixture of blue and scarlet spread across the sky as if paint splattered onto a canvas blindly. Ashley leaned forward to capture the hues, eyes wide and a small smile on her face that reflected only content. She seemed happy. She was a sunset girl.

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