Chapter 18: Details

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Everything in the Grand Duke and Duchess's lives is new. Their marriage is still new, their love is fresh, their titles are newly minted, a new puppy, the territory of Wales is unique to them, the extreme Welsh manor is new, and there are new people to govern. So many opportunities surround them. Brand new beginnings and chances have come their way.

So much change can be scary. More alarming is allowing the fear of the unknown to stop the couple from growing and progressing onward. Sometimes the only way to find the actual direction is to let the wind of change propel you forward. And Mary, whose faith has carried through her in times of darkness and abandonment, knows she and Charles are right where they're supposed to be.

Sometimes it feels like she closed her eyes one day only to open them to a new story. Which it kind of is. Her life has taken a new direction, one she never dreamed of. It looks nothing like her past, but it's better. All of the heartaches she endured were space being created for something fresh to grow. God's got her right where he wants her. He's been in the details behind the scenes ordering things just so, even though she didn't understand it at the time.

The season has shifted and changed once again. The adventure begins by adding the words growing new life to the long list of life-altering transformations. There is nothing like the wonder of new life to renew the spirit and unravel threads of unresolved issues. A newborn baby is like the beginning of all sorts of things. New hopes and dreams that long lay dormant begin to shine a little brighter. A tiny bit of heaven is growing inside her.

After telling Charles of the pregnancy, he began to hover. He may have thought he was being subtle, but she could tell. It was how his presence lingered in the atmosphere long after he had gone. His handprints are all over the additional guards on her detail. She had questioned him about the guard duties before she was pregnant, as she had noticed a change in their number.

He had smiled his cheeky smile and told her, "But you have such a fine tail that it begs to be defended at all costs." Of course, he would say that. Only now that she is pregnant, there seem to be even more guards than her father has assigned to The Evil One.

Not only that, but she's also noticed an alteration in her dietary needs. No longer is she allowed sweet treats, but an intake of more healthy foods. She asked the cook, Mrs. Evans, about this. The practical, broad-waisted woman only said, "I cook what's on the list, My Lady."

Mary knows what's on the list. She made it out herself. However, her mind wondered... Her hands grasped it. Taking a look at the meal agenda made irritation spark and rise. There are scratch marks made on her handwriting all over the page. His Highness had changed it by adding more vegetables and removing custards, cakes, and fritters.

She gasped! If that man thinks he can take away the sweets, he has another thing coming. She may be small, but she is fierce when need be. Right now, she's intense about food. Since he had ridden to look at the easternmost borders today, she knew it would be some time before he returned. But when he does, he will taste those gross greens he's been feeding her and choke on them. Well, maybe not choke. More like a bad case of the stomach being upset.

Determined, she told Mrs. Evans to put the sweets back on the menu and added a kind "if you please" at the end. The energetic, greying woman agreed with a smile. After that, Her Highness went to fine Lady Enid. She wants to have a conversation with the housekeeper. Duke followed close at her heels everywhere she went.

Lady Enid, a clever, hard worker, is found in the spacious sitting room. Currently, she is busy instructing a servant on the state of the fireplace. But when her eyes saw Her Ladyship enter, she hurried to her side. "My Lady, won't you please have a seat." Her hand motioned to the elaborate needlepoint sofa.

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