Chapter 25: Melancholy

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As the winter settled in, so to did the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess, into their new roles as father and mother. When they thought they had love figured out, these little babies came along to remind them how big love really is. Now in late December, at three months old, the twins are full of their own love and energy.

The first few weeks were a fright. Mary had decided not to take on a wet nurse, as Mrs. Nevitt told her breastfeeding burns many calories. "Not only is the mother's milk good for the babies, but it's also good for you. It relieves the ache in your breasts, reduces their size, and also aids you in losing the baby weight. Which I know you've been concerned about." All of those things assisted in making up her mind.

However, Mary did not anticipate how the feeding would go with the two of them. Though awkward initially, they all got into a suitable feeding pattern. The only weirdness has come with the twin's reactions to things. If one of them is held, then the other one has to be held as well. If one of them cries, then the other starts. If one of them is awake, they will wake up the other. And so it goes. They must do things in twos.

There are several good things about the babies being three months old. For one, they are now able to sleep a good six or seven hours long. Thank the Lord because both mom and dad are wiped out from waking up all night. Even though the twins have a "nanny," Charles and Mary want to comfort their babies their own selves. They refuse to allow their children to be accessories like other noble families do with their children. Instead, the Duke and Duchess are very involved and hands-on, so far, as parents.

Accompanying the nighttime sleep and feeding schedule is the daytime routine. The twin's nap times have been more automatic too. Another good thing is that the twins are more alert and able to identify their parent's voices and faces. When they hear their father's voice, that is everything! Their love for their mother and father knows no bounds, but they light up at the sound of Charles's voice. This is especially true for Owen.

Owen cannot get enough of his dad. Whenever Charles is in the room, Owen must be held by him. He cries if the Duke does not pick him up immediately. It doesn't matter where His Lordship is. If the tiny tot hears him (at all), he kicks his feet and makes noises. It makes his mother jealous, almost. William does the same for her, but not to the extreme of Owen for his father.

Although she will never forget that one day when both boys wanted to be with His Lordship. This was towards the end of last month, in November. The boys had awakened from a nap and were fed and changed. They heard the Duke talking with Jeffery about something or other. They began crying. Mary, holding them, started bouncing the twins in her arms. This usually works, but it didn't. She tried rocking them. That did not work either. She tried everything she knew, but nothing calmed them down.

Her mind landed on walking with them around the house. Once they passed Charles's study, they calmed until they couldn't see his face anymore. Then they cried again. Thinking this suspicious, she backtracked. They stopped fussing upon seeing their father but cried when they couldn't. Finally, she entered the study with the babes. Charles made to get up, but she stopped him.

Holding out her hand to keep him in place, she spoke. "Husband, your sons are in want of you. Allow me to show you." He motioned for her to go ahead, which she did. She left the room and began moving in the hallway, where they couldn't see him. The crying began. Once she passed by the office, it stopped until the same thing happened as before with not seeing their father.

When she entered the room, a huge smile lit up his face. The Duke crossed the room and took both babies into his arms. He inhaled their clean baby scent and placed kisses on their heads. He declared, "What can I say? They love their father." Seeing her face looking a little put-out, he asked, "But what about you? Do you want me too, because I am in want of you?"

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