Chapter 4

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At first, job searching had been something along the lines of absolutely awful, futile, tedious and completely useless even though that's basically a synonym for futile.

Every job either required a degree, or no degree at all, so I was either overqualified or under qualified for almost everything.

All café's were unable to give me a job, so of course waitressing was off the table everywhere, cashiering, even damn well helping at a flower shop was off the freaking table which did not help me at all.

But a few days ago I had the biggest damn surprise of my life when I found a good job offer online, except that I found it approximately an hour before it was going to be taken down and had completely overthought sending in a resumé because I already looked like an idiot sending in a late résumé.

But of course I told myself to shut my damned well pie hole, send in a resume and just wait because its better if I try and don't get it rather than not try and never ever know if I would've gotten it.

After that I waited by my laptop on my emails for hours.

And waited.

And continued to wait for some time longer.

The description was vague, which at first was sketchy to me but would I rather be extremely dead rather than extremely broke?

Im not saying the answer to that out loud.

It was a personal assistant job, which was no problem for me since I had no one to come home to, no kids, no boyfriend and definitely no husband.

Apparently the job required an in person interview too and because of that I was putting on my best dark jeans and clean blazer, looking decent because I also had no idea who i'd be an assistant too.

Hopefully this wasn't some fake job offer.

I keep my collar bone length curls loose instead of tying it up since i'd washed it, putting in my small gold hoops in my bottom earlobe since I had two other holes pierced that had the usual stud earrings already put in through it.

I take my phone, a bottle of water, my earphones and a clutch bag over my shoulder that had nothing but my lipstick in it and left the house, walking to my car, hoping today would go well because this was all I had left.

Two weeks.

Two weeks of being at home, stressing with my plants and music and I knew I'd potentially scarred my plants from all the negative energy that radiated off of me and into their poor helpless roots.

I'd also come to the conclusion that I was indeed a plant lady.

Theodore was thankfully not too bad these past two weeks, barely any complaints from his teachers which was a win for me and the other two were just getting by as usual.

Jane had gotten another sportswoman medal and Micah had gotten the highest mark for his coding Olympiad.

The world was on its right axis now.

Thankfully as I come to a stop near the given address I see that its not some dark gloomy slasher type of place and instead a prissy wealthy peoples restaurant which makes my brows furrow.

I park in the parking lot, happy I was mostly dressed the part for this as I walk over the expanse to get there, setting my hair and blazer on my body before I walk in through the door.

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