Chapter 9

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Sedrick told me every single thing I should do and the stuff to not ever do. Ever might've sounded like an over exaggeration, at least to me it did, but he said never meant never ever.

I didn't question it, just went with it.

I typed it all down on my phone, and then went back home and typed it out on my computer for safe keeping, because I was damn well not going to mess this opportunity up for myself. Everything was gonna go well. No messes, no lost information, nothing horrible.

I would be traveling from March to December around the world along with Hugo Blackburn, there was also a two week break in August which was nice addition to the busy lifestyle even if it was only around fourteen days.

Everyday I had to get Hugo what he likes to drink at 8am, then I also had to run all his social media pages for the day, posting three times a week, sometimes only two times so he didn't look to eager to be online, in all truth, Hugo was not one to be online, even if he loved being the center of attention from what i've seen. He loved attention.

Specifically female attention.

Hugo has a designated cook over race weekend's which I thought was excessive but apparently most of the racers have them, and it was to ensure that their diet was not a mess, since that would be a mess, like all athletes, they had to maintain their weight, and theirs was because of the cars.

During the week he usually eats take out, he likes bacon salads, but like those container sized salads, those ones that look like family sized.

He also likes... you guessed it, Alfredo.

He also had this weird habit of drinking milk from the carton, which I was not told by Sedrick but after he came back from practice and whatever else he had to do around 4PM. He drank the milk straight from the carton, and he even bought smaller cartons like you'd get in a school, and he drank straight from those too.

Strange man.

He wakes up early himself, which surprised me, and he has a maid to clean his apartment whenever he is in Miami. Which is rarely, but apparently, when he does have a chance, he always comes back home, every, single, time.

It was honestly a shock to me because he seemed like someone who loved the fast paced traveling lifestyle, to be away from home and not see anyone he knew or well he didn't seem like a family guy.

He seemed like someone who just lived for himself.

Maybe he just likes his apartment or something, thats why he always comes back to Miami.

In any case, during the week, I was in charge of getting his meals, and whatever he needed me to fetch, not really the cleaning but if there was something out of order I could put it back, whenever he wanted something I was the middle man to him and Sedrick, I also reminded him about events he had to attend, make all his appointments and make sure he's not spiraling out of control.

I basically had to be at beck and call to the manchild, and also ensure he did not fuck his own life up.

But what made this job great, is that I could do my studies efficiently whenever I had gaps of time. It was going to be good to me, the job, not Hugo, he was gonna be a piece of fucking work.

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