what makes us good

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"Every day I get up in the morning, I'm sorry I got up. I'm sorry I'm still breathing!" I shouted in her direction and began to approach her confidently. "I am broken, crushed on the inside from the outside, and in every way possible!" I said this time a few inches away from her."Why? Why do you so want to add more to the pain I already have ?!"
At that moment, I cracked her neck

This was my first kill
No blood
No pain

Quick, easy, and quiet, just like a good widow
But, what makes someone good?

Anastasia pov
I woke up and freed myself from the cuffs. One of the many things I couldn't give up when I escaped from the red room was the cuffs; I couldn't; it was a part of me.

"...talking to Barry?" Asked Dr sn- Caitlin as I walked in.
"Who?" Asked Cisco

"Barry Allen; struck by lightning and was in a coma for nine months," I said as I put down my bag.

"Able to run in the speed of sound, ring a ball?" Caitlin continued for me.

"Nope, haven't talked to him," he smiles
" Cisco, there is fire everywhere!" Came through the speakers
"Cisco, are you still there?" Mr. Allen said again.

Caitlin eyed Cisco as a little voice yelled for its mother.
Wind and sirens were heard, and then Mr. Allen again, "Everybody's out what else you got for me, Cisco?"

"Barry, it's Caitlin. "
"Heyyyy, Caitlin...how's your day?"
"Get back to Star Labs, now," she said and looked at a smiling Cisco
"On my way..."

"Have you both lost your mind? Who do you think you are?" Asked Caitlin as she walked out of a room and handed me my embroidery. "Merci, beaucoup," I said in French.
it's one of those days when you don't feel like English.

"Well, I'm the eyes and ears, and he's the feet,"  Cisco said quickly
"This isn't funny; you could have gotten yourself killed," said Caitlin. "You can't be running around the city like some supersonic firefighter" was added.

"Why not?" Asked Barry."This is what we talked about, me using my speed to do good."

"We talked about you helping us contain other people who might have been affected by the particle accelerator explosion,
Meta-humans, and aside from Clyde Mardon, we haven't found any" Caitlin explained.

"People in this city still need help; I can help them," argued Mr. Allen
"We can help them," popped Cisco
"Will you two say something?" She said to Dr wells and me.
"I think what Caitlin is saying,
in her own spectacularly angry way...

...is we're just beginning to understand
what your body is capable of.

Not to sound like a broken record,
Mr. Allen...

...I do caution restraint."
I looked at them, shocked; someone wanted my opinion
Yet, I said nothing and continued my embroidery.

"Dr. Wells, I doubt restraint
is how you got to be the man you are today," Barry said, a little offended by his idol not agreeing with him.
"In a wheelchair and a pariah," Dr. Wells replied quickly. "Lack of restraint is what made me those things,
Know your limits." He said as he wheeled away

"Don't expect me and Ana to patch you up every time you break something." she walked away, and I followed
"What did you mean by 'Ana'?" I asked, my eyes not leaving the embroidery.
"It's a nickname," she explained
"It's when you like someone you give them a nickname; it's a little nicer than a full name," she explained to me.

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