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We all keep those.
Some of them are good, some bad.
How long can you keep one?
What happens when one is set free?

Anastasia pov

"....don't grow back." said Cisco as I walked in with a gift box in my hands.

"Strange thing is I feel like I knew him." said Barry
"What do you mean?" I asked as I put the box on the table.
"He said something that was...familiar, but he is gonna hurt someone if we don't stop him.
So, how do I fight a guy that's made out of steal?" asked Barry.

"We will find a way. tonight, you heal." said Dr wells."And what is that Miss volkov?"

"I have no idea I found it in my doorstep and didn't want to put it in my home before I know what it is." I explained and opened the box; the thing inside made me gasp and drop the lid.
"Мой Бог." I fought back tears.
"Ana, what's wrong?" As she came to my side
"That's...not supposed to be here." I said, my Russian accent, taking over completely.

Caitlin looked inside the box and almost puked, "Is that a-" she started but I stopped her "it is. I..I need to go home now." I said and left without another word.

"Your childhood nemesis is now an unstoppable mate-human that is seriously messed up." said Cisco.

"I had a childhood nemesis; lexi la Roche. She used to put gum in my hair."
"Jake, Puckett, if I didn't let him copy my homework, he'd give me a swirly." Added Cisco as they looked at me."Did you have one?"

"Well, the place I grew up in had a... spacial way of treating fights."

"What was it?" Barry asked

"You don't want to know." I said

"Oh, come on, it can't be that bad." Cisco laughed a bit

'Well, they put the two girls that had a  fight in a room with a weapon of their choice and let them fight until one of them is in a dangerous health situation." I explained as they all looked shocked
"That sounds.... traumatic." said Barry, "now that we have established that we're all Uber nerds... What are we gonna do about Tony?"
"Glad you asked." said Cisco "were gonna train you, karta kid style."He added as he walked into the treadmill room, "behold! I call him Grider."

"For the record, not my idea." said Caitlin

"Fighting is physics; it's not about strength; it's not about size. It's about energy and power. Channel your speed the right way, and you can totally take this bad boy down.
Now, obviously, your grider is a moving target, so..." Cisco said as he moved the grider

"I have ice and bandages standing by." Assured him, Caitlin

Barry started fighting; his stance was off. The way he hit was useless, and it got worse and worse; in less than a minute, he fell down to the floor and yelled in pain, "I'm pretty sure I just dislocated my shoulder."

"Hey Cisco, can you help me?" I asked him as Barry and caitlin left.

"Yeah, sure, what's up?" He asked and moved closer.

"I was wondering if you could help me find someone?" I asked and took a picture from my pocket

"Yeah, sure, who is that hottie?" He asked as I gave him the picture

"She is a friend of mine, and I want to make sure she didn't get a gift like mine." I said

"Well, I can find her."

My lip trembled as I looked at the grave
'Anya Petrova
Mother, lover, a human.'
She is dead, and I'm probably next.
She had everything I didn't: a kid, love, and humanity.

I fell to my knees next to her grave. Tears started streaming down my face. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."
I made a mistake; I left her by herself. I left them all.

"Barry, talk to us. What are you doing?" Asked Caitlin as  I walked in.

"Dude, don't run angry; we don't know how to defeat him yet." Cisco continued. As I sat next to him, my cheeks still wet from crying.

"This is definitely the place." Barry's voice was heard through the speakers.

"Barry?" Yelled Caitlin

"Barry, where are you?" Added Cisco "Caitlin Ana over here." We all ran towards him.

"Please say something so we know you're alive." I said and kneeld next to him.


"Good enough." I said as Cisco helped him from under the shalfs

"What were you thinking? What were you thinking?" Yelled Dr wells,"I told you that we would figure out a way to deal with him!" He continued.

"You can't heal when you're dead!" For the first time in eleven years, I yelled.
I covered my mouth with my hands, "I'm sorry." I said quickly and left the room.

"They want him to run faster than the speed or sound; can you believe it?" Asked Caitlin as she sat next to me on the sidewalk.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" I asked and put my pills back in my bag.
"Ana, what is this?" She asked as she took my bag to see what I put in there.

"Caitlin, please don't open -" " Is that paroxetine? Why do you need this? It's for PTSD. y-you have PTSD?"

"It's not a big deal; 7 out of 100 people have it." I said and took my pills back from her.

"How long?" She said, her voice trembling

"Caitlin, it's really nothing."

"How long?" Her voice was strong this time.

"Nine Years,"

"You're 25... So, since you were 16?"

"I think we need to go in now." I said, trying to change the subject


"Yes. I was sixteen when I went to this crazy lady who calls herself a psychologist. she told me that if I don't take this, I will go to a psychiatric hospital. Now, can we please go inside?"

"Bully then and bully now." Barry's voice was heard through the speakers as Caitlin and I walked in.

"He is hurt." Informed us, Cisco

"He made it out." It was my turn to inform them as I saw Barry moving from the school.

"Barley." Added Cisco.

"Why did he stop?" Asked Caitlin

"He is miles away 5.3 miles away." Added Cisco

"Barry Wait." Yelled Caitlin

"No way, he is gonna do it. Go, man, go." Cisco smiled
"Super sonic boom, baby!"

"Allen!" Yelled Tony as his door closed. And I walked in.

"Dudeeee, that had to feel great." said Cisco as the three made their way towards me.

"You have no idea." replied him, Barry

"Almost as good as proving me wrong about the super sonic punch?" Asked Caitlin

"Actually, that pare hurt, like, a lot." Answered her Barry,"but I couldn't have done it without you guys."

"All I want to know which childhood bully are we gonna take down next? Mine or Caitlin's?" said Cisco,"I vote mine." Barry and Cisco left, which left me and caitlin

"Have you ever planned to tell us?" She asked

"No. It's a weakness. I have been taught not to show one, ever."

"I think- I think I it would be best if we won't talk for a while."

"Caitlin..." I tried to say as she left.

This chapter is kind of emotional because I was while writing it the others won't be a lot like this.

The Flash and The Black Widow Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora