be your own hero

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It is when
you're going through
the most difficult
chapter of life
that your hero
is revealed,
and how beautiful
it is when you
finally realize -
you have the
to save yourself
- dodinsky

Anastasia pov

I walked into the elevator, and something was wrong; I could feel it.

The moment I stepped out of the elevator, I saw Shawna Baez about to hit Caitlin. "Oh no, you won't," I said and kicked her on her head with the handle of my dagger.

"Are you OK?" I asked Caitlin.

"You came back?" She asked in disbelief.

"I had a bad feeling," I said and looked away.

I sat. I'm the cortex as the gang walked in with the detective Thawne, helping him stay up, "Ana, help me check him?" Asked Cai- Dr snow.
Dr snow.
I repeated in my head.
"Of course," I said and walked to help her.

"Your vitals are normal, but you're just a little dehydrated.
The IV should help with that. But other than that drink some fluids stay off your feet okay?" Caitlin asked as I took the needle out of detective Thawne.

"Thank you,  Caitlin Anastasia." He thanked us and a whoosh sound was heard.
I looked back only to see Mr. Allen back with us.

"Wells got away..." He said out of breath. "He was too fast, he is always too fast.

"We found him under that hatch in the pipeline," Cisco explained.

"I'm so sorry I thought I looked everywhere for you," Barry said.

"It's not your fault.
Sometimes you just can't see the clues even if they're right in front of you..." the detective eyed miss west.

"Umm, well, you know all that's important is that we are all safe and back together, right?" Miss west put her hand on the detective shoulder.

"Eddie, why did he take you?" Asked detective west.

"I don't know.
He said that we are... family.
Said his real name us Eobard thawne." Detective Thawne said and everyone looked at Cisco, "Eobard thawne.
It's just like in my dream."

"Did he say anything else?" Detective West asked. "I mean anything that can help us figure out what is it that he is really after?"

"He didn't say much, just kept working on some tube."

"A tube?
What did it look like?" Asked Cisc- Mr Ramon.

"Metallic and futuristic.
He said it was the key to him getting back everything that was taken from him."

"Key? I don't understand...what...?" Mr Allen said.

"Look I don't know, look I just want to go home.
Is that okay?"

"Yes of course." I said and took out the IV.

"I'll make sure he gets some rest." Miss West said.

Miss west and detective Thawne left the room which left Mr Allen Mr Ramon detective west and cai- Dr snow and me.

"What do you think wells was talking about?
I mean...what-" mr Allen  was cut of by a beeping sound from the computer.

Cisco and I ran to see what was this beeping for, and I was shocked, "Oh no." Mr ramon said.

"What?" Mr allen asked as Mr Ramon ran out.

"What now?" Mr allen asked again.

"Are you seeing this?" Asked Mr Ramon from a video chat as he pointed at a glowing tube. "That's the tube Eddie was talking about, it's some sort of future power source.
that's charging up the accelerator."

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