sharing is caring

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Language is something we all use.
English Hebrew Arabic French Italian Japanese Spanish Russian ASL
We use it to  communicate with one another, the people we love and sometimes, ourselves.
What if we can't use it to what we need?
What if we can't share?


Dr wells played chess
Cisco played ping pong
Caitlin played operation
And I played durak
All against Barry
"This isn't remotely anatomically correct." Yelled Caitlin as a buzzing sound was heard
"This isn't the point, Dr. Snow," said Barry as he pulled a piece out of the game
"You're losing," I said as I put ace on the table, and he took it. "No, look, I have a lot of cards." He said, smiling
"Если бы мадам Б. услышала это, она бы вас застрелила."
If madame B heard it, she would have shot you, "I said as he moved back to Cisco.
"You know Russian?" Barry asked.
"You really are late in everything," laughed Cisco.
"Wait, you knew?" Barry asked
"I speak other languages as well," I added
"Like?" He asked as he took the cards from the table
"What language do you want me to speak?" I throw my last card at the table
"How about... Chinese?" He asked
What should I say?
"What is the point of this?" Asked Caitlin.
"To have fun." Answered Barry
Fun? That's  a bit new, I thought
"And to continue your
ongoing training. We're testing the speed of your mind
by pushing your ability to multitask." Added Dr wells
"I'm waiting on you, Dr wells," said Barry as he moved a chess piece and came back to me
"Tu as perdu," I said in franch
"What does that mean?" He asked
"You've lost." I got up and took a few pills from my bag, quickly swallowing them dry and got back to my place
"Wait, check, mate?" Asked Barry
"Check, mate." Dr wells assured him.
"Armed robbery at forth and kolins." Informed us, Cisco."
"For the record, I crashed it in operation and ping pong." Baery said as he walked towards his suit.
"но с треском провалился в дурака." I said, picking up the cards.
but failed miserably in a durak
"Where is the nearest hospital?" Asked Barry through the speakers
"St. Andrews" Came the quick reply of Caitlin.
"Call the ER, tell them they have incoming GSW." said Barry.

"Track anything that's happening. Check this out," Barry said with Felicity
"We've got our own satellite."
"I know I've hacked into it from time to time," said the blond.
"Rude," said Cisco
"It is, of course, so wonderful to see you again, Felicity. I'm just wondering how much of our  operation she needs to know about?" Asked Caitlin

" I am really good at keeping secrets." Felicity assured Caitlin
"Yeah, Felicity works with the arrow." Barry said excitedly

"And you apparently are not." She said as Cisco smiled."Now it's all making sense; you know who the arrow is,  
Do you know who the arrow is?" He asked Barry.

Barry looked confused, clearly a lying
"Let's just say that my team has a similar setup but with more pointy objects." Felicity came to Barry rescue.

"Welcome, Miss smoak." said Dr wells.
"Dr wells? THE Dr wells?" Excitment filled Felicity's voice.

"Please call me Harrison,
Felicity." said Dr wells

"You know who I am?" She asked, still excited.

"Ranked second in the National Informative
Technology competition at age 19. Graduated MIT with a master's degree in
Cyber security and computer sciences. I know who you are. I keep an eye out for promising
talent in scientific fields. That's what brought
me, Cisco Anastasia and Caitlin.
And I foresaw...
Great things from you." Dr. Wells said and took off his glasses.

"Speaking of great things, wanna see something cool?" Barry found his way back to the conversation.

They all watched Barry run as I cleaned the chess, operation, and ping pong when a boom comes from the treadmill room.

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