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he would really...end his life to be with me??

"Jake don't ever think of that. yes, you might want to be with me but don't do that because of me. continue to live your life." I whispered to him.

he shook his head.

"my decision won't change, so I guess you'll just have to change to one of me" he said, slightly smirking.

I playfully scoffed, he really is confident when it comes to the things he wants.

after that small conversation, we both just laid there in each other's arms staring at each other adoringly.

"don't you find it crazy that we hated each other 3 hours ago and now we can't get enough of each other?" I said.

he slightly smiled. "yeah, who knew we'd be soulmates. " Jake replied.

he looked like he wanted to say something else, but he didn't say anything. "Jake, what's wrong?" I asked.

"uh, I'm going to tell you something. but don't like think it's weird, it's kind of...well weird." Jake hesitated.

I nodded. "so basically when Hana brought you to the party and I saw you for the first time, I already knew you were her. but I didn't want to believe it because a lot of girls can look like her y'know? so I started hating you because I thought you were just trying to use us. but when we went to your apartment and I found out you were the other blue blood, I knew it was her. but I still didn't want to even think about loving anyone other than her so I continued to resent you. I've known since the very first time I laid my eyes on you y/n" Jake quickly explained.

he averted his gaze and started to nervously play with his fingers that were wrapped around my waist.

"and I'm really sorry for not confronting you about it, I just really hated the thought of being your soulmate after aera died, and I jus-" he started apologizing, but I cut him off by bringing my body and face closer to him.

"Sim Jaeyun, stop apologizing. I'm not mad at you. I know that after loving someone it might not be that easy to love another person after that." I whispered.

he stared at me fondly. our faces we very close to each other's. my hands on his shoulders, his wrapped around my waist.

our breaths mingling with each other's. both of us stared at each other's eyes, not saying anything.

after a while, Jake closed the gap between us. I widened my eyes.

I pulled away from the kiss, jakes eyes were still closed. "Jake what if they hear us?" I asked, scared we might get caught.

"I don't care, now let me kiss you" he mumbled before gently pulling my face back to his.

I almost gave in, but I knew if we got caught we'd have to explain who he really is.

"Jake , if you don't stop... we will get caught ... and have to explain everything..." I said, trying to speak but Jake kept on kissing my lips.

"and I said ... I don't care ... I'm not going to .... Be scared and not give you... the affection you deserve.." he said, continuously capturing my lips with his.

I pulled away again and looked him in the eyes. " oh really? 4 hours ago you sure didn't want to tell them yet" I said in a 'as-a-matter-of-fact' tone.

he stared at me for a bit, but soon crashed his lips back onto mine. I tried to pull away again , but he held my face to his firmly and he had a firm clasp on my waist.

I decided to just stop trying to stop him and respond to the kiss. I snaked my hands to the back of his neck.

he smiled on my lips and tilted his head to deepen the kiss. he moved the hand that was holding my face to his down to my waist.

"I love you" he said against my lips. my cheeks became hot and I'm pretty sure I looked like a tomato , so I dove my head in his neck to hide my red cheeks.

he giggled silently and caressed my hair. I decided to make him pay a little for making me flustered and kissed his neck.

"babe.." I whispered, trying to get his attention. he didn't respond, he just kept kissing me and I tried to keep up with his fast tempo.

soon enough I felt his fangs start to slide out and that's when I knew I had to stop this make out session.

"Jake , babe we need to stop. your fangs are-" I tried to reason , but he cut me off. "just let me try something, I want to see how far my self control is" he said, breathing heavily.

his eyes looked into mine, and the pleasing look in his eyes made it easier for me to cave in to his wants.

he crushed his cold marble like lips onto mine and pulled me closer to his body.

the make out session was getting out of hand but I couldn't get my body to stop. it was as if we were a negative and positive charge, we just wouldn't break away from each other.

My body was going out of control , but I didn't stop , and Jake didn't stop me.

I moved the hand that was in his chest and slowly moved it down to his waist, carefully and quickly ducking my hand under his shirt and back up his chest.

his stomach and chest felt like something I could've only imagined. his muscles were defined and even without looking at them , you'd know that they were strong.

Jake broke away from the kiss and exhaled sharply. his eyes looked into mine and I saw the dark clouds of lust behind them.

"y-y/n... if we can't stop... I won't have the control to ... put and end to this..." Jake tried to whisper but he was out of breath.

at this point he was the one who wanted to keep on kissing, so he won't be the one to stop first.

"Jake I don't wanna stop..."

wrong party Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon