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it's been about 2 weeks since y/n moved in, and honestly we all get along pretty well.

y/n has almost all of her powers, but we're still waiting on all of the to be initiated.

so far she has telekinesis, super strength, super hearing, hypnotic gaze, levitation, super speed, mind communication, mind reading, and emotion control.

she has yet to initiate future telling, invisibility, automatic healing , and her ability to teleport.

she has to find her soulmate soon though, because without him/her, she won't get her last ability..

the ability to love..

once she meets her soulmate she will discover what love is and how to show it to her significant other.

I just hope we find the other blue blood soon because these werewolves will not cease.

they've been sneaking into our garden almost every other night trying to take y/n away from us. but surprisingly, Jake has been the first one to protect her and to help her scare off the wolves.

I think there is something going on between the two of them, because ever since that day everyone was gone hunting and Jake and y/n were left alone, they stopped hating each other.

they act like best friends around the house, but when we call them out on it , they just scoff and say some dumb excuse like "as if" or "what are you , blind ?" yeah, that ones my favorite. (not 😀)

todays our hunting day, so me and everyone else are gone while y/n is at home. Jake left early once again to hunt.

we asked him why he leaves early , but he just says that food is more available in the morning. I don't really care, but something just seems off.

"yah, Hana hurry up! there's a family of deer over here!" Ryjnjin said, knocking me out of my trance.

"coming!" I yelled at her as I used my super speed to catch up with the rest of the group.


it was the day of the week when everyone in the house goes hunting, and I was left at home alone again.

Jake had told me that he would go early again so that we would have time by ourselves, but I told him not to rush because he still needed to fill himself regardless.

it was currently noon, and I decided to clean the house again because no one else will.

I did the same thing I did last week and ended in Jake's room. deja vu am I right?

I chuckled at myself and started cleaning his room. I picked up all of the trash that was left on his floor, and took his laundry down to the laundry room with everyone else's.

once I did that, I walked back up to his room to make the bed, and then I would finally be done.

I checked the time before making the bed and it was 3 pm. "wow, I've been cleaning for 3 hours? I didn't think it'd been that long" I murmured to myself.

I set my phone down on jakes nightstand and slightly bent over to make his bed.

I pulled his comforter up and started tucking in the sides, but I stopped when I felt 2 ice cold hands wrap around my waist from behind.

"hey love" I heard him whisper into my ear. I was relieved when I heard his voice, and I soon relaxed into his touch.

"jeez I thought you were someone else, I was about to break out the old boxing skills" I joked, throwing a few fake punches.

Jake laughed. "Jake let go, I have to finish making your bed, then we can do anything you want" I said, wanting to finish cleaning.

he chuckled. his voice sending shivers down my spine, because hide voice wasn't soft and sweet like it was seconds ago. it was full of want and lust..

"what if ..." he started, whispering into my ear. his lips lightly trailing along my ear down to my neck.

"what if what I want to do..." he whispered against my skin. he lips brushing against my jaw , making his way down to my neck.

I could feel his cold breath hitting my skin, his presence and actions making my body heat up at an alarming rate.

it's been 2 weeks since me and Jake had started going out, but he still makes my body heat up uncontrollably with the simplest moves.

"what if what I want to do .. involves the bed...?" he whispered, slowly and softly pecking my neck

normally everyone comes back at around 8 or 9, so we had a few hours to ourselves.

Jake took my silence as an opportunity to continue with his plan. he softly moved my hair out of the way and continued to kiss my neck.

I felt the corners of his mouth turn up into a slight smile. I couldn't take any more of this.

I quickly turned around and smashed my lips onto jakes . I les my hands up to the back of jakes neck, pulling him closer to me.

jakes hands seized my face and gently caressed my cheek. one hand moved down to my waist to pull me closer, as if we weren't close enough.

this close wasn't close enough for us. I knew this was going to lead us to something we might regret later, but in that moment I just wanted him.

Jake slightly bent down and picked me up while I wrapped my arms around his neck while my body began to press against his.

I grabbed a fist of his hair and started playing with it as I tried to contain myself from pulling it.

the feeling was indescribable, "Jake what about your contr-" I started to say, but was cut off by the sound of the front door unlocking.

"y/n were baaackk!!"....

wrong party Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora