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I could finally open my eyes. I fluttered them open and everything seemed.. it seemed so new , so clear.

I could tell the definitions between colors I didn't even know existed.

I shifted over , turning to the other side of me trying to figure out where I was. I had closed my eyes because as soon as light hit my eyes , it almost blinded me.

my face was scrunched up , trying to force my eyes back open, but I couldn't .

Instead I started moving my hands along the soft mattress beside me , trying to find something ... or more like someone.

I could smell a faint scent of his perfume, and I wanted to feel him, see him , hug him, kiss him, but I couldn't find him.

"Jake.." I mumbled , my hands still searching the spaces next to me. suddenly a warm hand stopped me.

it wrapped delicately around my wrist and pulled me towards it. as I crashed into someone's body, the smell of jakes perfume became stronger.

My eyes flashed open to meet his eager ones.

a smile grew into my face. "jake..!" I whispered . My hand went up to cup his face.

my eyes noticing things they had never caught before , like the little freckle by his eye or the little wrinkles he has from smiling so often.

my vision had become stronger and clearer than ever before.

"I missed you so much.." I whispered , my eyes tearing up. he smiled back , with nothing but love in his eyes.

"bub you have no idea how crazy I've been ever since you left .. and to think that you might not wake up.." Jake mumbled.

I smiled . both of our smiles slowly disappeared as we both inches closer to each other , finally sealing our lips together.

jakes hand seized my waist as he pulled my body closer to him. this kiss.. it was much different from the others .

Jake wasn't being as gentle as he would before . it was like he wasn't having to control himself anymore.

My hands made their way to the back of jakes neck , playing with the hairs on the back of his neck.

"I missed you so much.." Jake said against my lips , before kissing me again.

it sent butterflies into my stomach. the kiss was beating up , but then there was a knock at the door.

Jake grunted as we broke the kiss. 'we'll continue this later babe' Jake said to me through his mind .

I blushed and he winked , getting up and unlocking the door.

"Y/N!!" I heard a bunch of voices call out from the door. I turned my head and saw everyone , including the 8 men that helped us walk into the room.

Daniel and Niki got to me first, engulfing me into a giant bear hug. everyone piled onto of me hugging me and saying how much they all had missed me.

"ok guys .. I can't breath." I said. all of them quickly got up and I chuckled.

"glad to see you're doing better y/n. now that we know you are safe, I think it's time to say goodbye for now." Chan said.

I stood up and gave him a hug. "thank you.. thank you for helping me and my friends" I said.

"of course. after all , I wasn't going to let another one of my blue bloods get killed by one of them again. and I also didn't wanna see Jake sad again. he deserves to be happy." he said back to me.

I glanced at Jake and flashed him a smile.

Hana nearly tackled me . "don't ever scare us like that again! I thought I was gonna lose you!" She exclaimed.

"missed you too" I laughed.

everyone came and had small chats with me , but sadly the time for SKZ to leave had come.

we all went out to the front to see them off, making sure they know that they are always welcome here.


a deep sigh left my mouth as I crashed onto the bed after the day I had.

"tired?" a deep voice said next to me. I tilted my head and saw Jake's face right infront of mine.

"everything just feels so ... new. it's exhilarating but I just feel tired mentally." I tried to explain.

"mm" he hummed, playing with random strands of my hair. I moved my hand to the back of his neck to play with the hair that laid there.

"y/n.. I love you so much.." he whispered.

"I love you more" I said back. he chuckled. "I don't think that's possible. I'm crazy about you" he retorted.

a light blush rose to my cheeks as I was flustered by his compliment.

he giggled.

we laid there staring at each other with nothing but love. I slowly leaned in and gave Jake a small peck on his lips.

he pouted. "noo you have to do it like this" he said before leaning close to my face .

he kissed on cheek , then the other, then my forehead, down to my nose, and finally he connected my lips with his.

the kiss started off slow but passionate. our love for each other and the feelings we felt while we were away from each other costing the sweet kiss.

"remember what I said earlier?" Jake asked, a smirk playing in his face.

I looked at him confused. I shook my head.

"want me to show you?" He whispered in a deep voice. I was shocked at the sudden change in his aura.

before I could even respond , his lips were already on mine. the kiss was hungry and was more like telling me what he wanted.

my hands went to his chest, pulling at his shirt , wanting to be nothing but close to him.

"I.." he whispered against my lips.

"love you.. and -" he slightly nibbled on my lower lip, making me allow him in.

"am going to make you mine tonight.."

and that night , let's just say was a special one...

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