⋆ Chapter 4 ⋆

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IV. • °

As I got behind the counter Jackson looked at me with a smile on his face and brought me in for a hug. "Hey you." He flipped my visor upside down on my head. I chuckled as he did this, he always was a ray of sunshine when we worked together.

Even though he was my work friend, I still appreciated his presence a lot. He would always ask to hang out outside of work but it was always the same excuse from me every time...

'I didn't have time' which wasn't really a lie, I barely had time, or money and because he didn't know my situation outside of work...it was best to keep this relationship strictly as a coworker bond.

"What's up?" He looked at me crossing his arms but I stared off into the distance.

"Oh nothing what's up with you ?" I tried to seem as normal as I could. I hated giving off weird vibes even if I wasn't feeling my best.

"Don't what's up me... I meant what's wrong? I can tell something is bothering you?"He started to clean up the counter but his gaze never left me.

"Okay...fine." I dragged out. "Stop being a weirdo with the staring thing."

He laughed finally breaking his gaze.

"It's just that Andrea got on me about being late." I say.

He looked back at me concerned."Well what did she say?"

"Just that I better not be late again..not even five minu-"

"Oh please." he scoffed. "Don't listen to her you know she's always trying to talk shit... you know Dave wouldn't let you lose your job so don't even think that."

"Yeah but.. Dave can't save me from everything and as much I appreciate-"

"Hey come on... you know everyone loves you here... you're a hard worker you get shit done. The customers ask for you when they come in and not just because you make your signature milkshake with a bunch of whip cream on top." He nudged me making me let out a slight laugh.

He turned to look at me once again. "All jokes aside, I couldn't imagine working here without you- it would honestly be boring without seeing you embarrassing yourself all the time..."

"I thought you said all jokes aside?"

"Right but that wasn't a joke...you do embarrass yourself...every time"

I punched Jackson in the arm at that comment. "To think you liked my weird side..." I playfully rolled my eyes and fixed my visor to sit on my head correctly.

"Oh you know I do, never change it." He flipped my visor back upside down on my head and hurried past me.

"Jerk." I spat out.

Having Jackson around really helped take my mind off of things temporarily. It calmed my nerves down and  I didn't feel so alone at work.  But even though it worked for the moment I still had my lingering anxiety that always approached afterward, my mind was always busy and I hated that.

I would often think about how it would be if we went to the same school, how different my high school years would've been...if I had someone to talk to about everything.

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