⋆ Chapter 13 ⋆

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XIII. • °

Last night was a struggle trying to avoid Nadia's texts and phone calls. I'm sure she wasn't thinking anything was wrong because that was the usual for me...to disappear for a while. I hated doing that, I really did but I had no other choice when my dad needed me.

Although Nadia was trying to get in touch with me, Tessa wasn't. I guess she was still upset with me or didn't want to be friends anymore. But how could I blame her? Everything was my fault and I couldn't help but think that.

So that led to me being up...all night I couldn't sleep.

I was getting used to having people around, used to having...friends. I wanted it to work out, I didn't want it to end but I knew that if I continued to try and be friends with them when my life is catastrophic then I would really lose them as friends. I couldn't explain anything to them about why things were like this or why I was like that because I feared that they would look at me differently. 

I guess it was different when I didn't have friends, I didn't care how I was viewed. But when it came to people I cared about it made me think a little differently on that.

But truthfully that wasn't the only thing that kept me up last night, it was Silas. I couldn't ask Damon or Kobe if they had heard from him because I didn't have their numbers and I didn't want to keep asking about him either and seem like a weirdo. I just was hoping that today I would at least hear something so I could stop all my worrying and feeling guilty.

As I was laying in bed I finally found the strength to pull myself out of bed to get ready for school this morning.

I opened my bedroom door and was hit in the face by the smell of breakfast. That was odd, my dad never cooks breakfast, he never cooks anything anymore all the cooking is up to me. I stepped out of my bedroom doorway and went further into my apartment where my kitchen was located.

As I got closer I saw pots and pans, glasses, and silverware all over the place. I was in complete utter shock.

The kitchen looked like it had been completely ransacked.

There were stains of grease all over the kitchen counter and the stove. What the fuck.

As I was examining everything that was in front of me, I looked up and saw Mark passed out on the couch. Along the couch and the coffee table, there were piles of clothes and other belongings of his.

Oh, fuck no.

"Mark! Get up now." I yell at him almost fuming. "Get the fuck up."

"Hmm..." He lets out at the sound of my voice opening his eyes slightly. "Why the hell are you yelling?"

"Look at this," I say pointing to everything he had destroyed in the kitchen. "What the hell are you doing?"

"God." He says rubbing his eyes and sitting up slowly on the edge of the couch. "I was making breakfast what do you think?"

"Yeah and you're supposed to clean up after yourself, I'm not your fucking maid if you're going to stay here which I really hoped you wouldn't your going to clean up!" I  spat out while loading some dishes in the sink and others in the dishwasher.

"You know..." He says getting up and walking over to the kitchen. "I'm really starting to get annoyed with your damn mouth."

I turned back to look at him, "Then get out."

He walks up closer to me inches away from my face gleaming into my eyes. "You should really watch it, you don't know what I'm capable of." He paused not lowering his gaze. "So I really suggest you don't fuck with me." I shuttered as his foggy breath ran across my face. He stood there still holding eye contact, nervousness started to settle in with every second he was there.

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