* Chapter 27 *

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XXVII. • °

"Nadia! Where is my black corset top?"

"Why are you asking me, Tessa? You always do this-"

"No, because I specifically remember giving it to you before you went on your trip and now I can't find it anywhere!"

"And I specifically remember giving it back to you because I couldn't even fit it! Your boobs are bigger than mine."

"They are not...Do you really think so?"

"Uhm yeah, the top fit you so well and your boobs are kind of plump and-"

"Thank you for the details, that is more the reason why I need to find it."

I woke up hearing the sounds of two familiar voices bickering waking me out of my sleep, Nadia and Tessa. I rubbed my eyes and saw Tessa looking through her bag of clothes and Nadia putting her pants on. I let out a long yawn before really adjusting my eyes to everything that was happening in the room, it was a mess.

There were clothes everywhere. It definitely looked like a tornado had run through the room just overnight. Before I could say anything I ended up locking eyes with Tessa as she turned around facing the bed.

"Oh, finally sleeping beauty is up," Tessa says in a mocking tone. "You really do sleep a long time you know that?"

Little did she know I slept when I could. I have been trying to stay up as long as possible until I eventually cannot keep my eyes open anymore and I drift off. "Yeah, after I ate last night I just couldn't stay up any longer."

"But you're here the whole day do you not sleep? I really wanted to watch this new movie but Nadia kept turning the volume down." 

"Tess when you sleep you want nobody to wake you and when you do get woken up you are the biggest grouch," Nadia says as she begins to pick up clothes off the floor.

"I can agree with that, but still," Tessa said as she walked over to the bed and sat down.

Nadia then looked back at Tessa with raised eyebrows. "No, no no, you are gonna get up and help me pick these clothes off the ground."

Tessa threw herself back on the bed and groaned, "I'm gonna help you before we leave I promise."

"Tess are you serious-"

"I will help you guys clean when I get out of the shower, just don't kill each other before I get out okay?" I say getting out of the bed and walking over to the bathroom door and opening it.

"Thank you, Jose, at least someone likes a clean room-"

"Geez Nadia I said I will do it before we leave-"

I stepped into the bathroom and shut the door letting out a deep sigh. I then undressed myself and set the shower. I got in and let the water run down my face getting lost in my thoughts.

Nothing but the same happened yesterday when Nadia and Tess got home from school. As it had been for the last couple of days, they would come home and try to get me out of bed or to brighten my mood, and having them there did make things better. When they returned home yesterday evening we all ate dinner and talked for a bit.

Besides Nadia noticing that something was wrong the same as Doria, I was able to hold myself together and spend some time with them before running off to Nadia's bedroom. Tessa didn't seem to notice any change in me, I felt she honestly believed I was sick. 

I hadn't talked to her about the night I called her and how she hadn't answered. Some would have been upset, but I felt that it must've been really important for her to have missed my call. She never spoke about her personal life but deep down I knew she was going through just as much but...pretended.

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