Chapter 2: The Question

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"So," He started.

I started to worry. No one ever starts anything good with "So."

"I wanted to congratulate you on your hat trick. That last goal was a sight to see, I'm very impressed." He finished.

"Thank you, that really means a lot!" I said with all smiles. I wanted to tell him that I really did it for him but I didn't think that would be my smartest idea. I was trying to make a good impression on him.

"You're welcome. See, we've seen all your videos." He started again. My eyes went wide. Wow, I really was annoying. "Yes, all of them." He then said, acknowledging my wide eyes. "And we've been consulting the rule book. We think you're amazing and you have a lot of great skills that you could bring to the table. But with such a historic ask and opportunity, we can't be quite sure yet. Coach Ruff wants to meet with you and he wants to get you in a practice. If you're up for it?" He asked. I put my hands over my mouth. I didn't want to get too excited but I couldn't contain most of it.

"Yes! Oh my god, 100% yes! Thank you, so much!" I said, almost in squeals. He was happy with my answer.

"Great. Here is his number. He said you should give him a call when you get a chance today and you can set up everything from there." She said with a smile, handing me a business card. It had Lindy Ruff's name, along with his phone number and a Devil's logo.

"I will definitely do that. Thank you again, this means the world to me. I can't wait!" I said again, offering my hand. He shook it and left the building with a smile. I looked down at the business card as if I was memorizing it.

I looked up to see Emma staring back at me with a smile across her face.

"Well?" She asked, holding her arms out to her side. I smiled wide. I still hadn't found the words yet to describe how I was feeling. It was so surreal.

"Well..." I started, trying to throw her off. We both knew it was going to be good news anyways.

"Well? Get on with it!" She exclaimed.

"They've been consulting the rule book. They don't want to say anything yet but they want to invite me to a practice, and Coach wants to talk to me!" I practically almost yelled. We both dropped our bags and jumped into each other's arms.

Emma knew that I've wanted this for so long. It's been my dream for who knows how long. She's supported me every single step of the way and I couldn't thank her enough. Someday I'm going to repay her

"Come on, let's get back home. I've got an important phone call." I said with a smile. I picked my bag back up and made my way out to my car.


Emma was also my roommate and we often carpooled to the rink for games and practices. Today it was my turn to drive. I took us back to our apartment where I left my bag in the car. Who knows when the next Devils practice would be and when I would need it. I unlocked the door for the both of us and we made our way inside. I set the keys on the counter and made my way to my bedroom.

"I'll be out after I make this phone call. Just start making dinner, I'll catch up." I called to Emma.

My excitement was growing by the second. I couldn't wait to talk to Coach. I dialed the number on the card and waited for it to ring. It felt like it was ringing forever when in reality, it maybe only rang twice. He was waiting for me.

"Hello?" A male voice said on the other line. It was Coach.

"Hi! This is Piper Dunn. Is this Coach Ruff?" I asked, sounding cheerful.

"It is. Thank you for calling me, I've heard great things about you today. I heard you got a hat trick?" He asked.

"I did, yeah! The last one I scored was just under 5 seconds left in the game. I was lucky to even get it in." I chuckled.

"Well, that's great to hear. Now, we really do think that you would make an excellent addition to our team. I've seen all the videos. You have a natural talent, you really do. I can tell that you have a lot of heart for the game. I want to invite you to a practice and watch you play for myself with the guys, would you be up for that?"

"Oh my god, would I ever! It would be an honor!"

"Great. Be here tomorrow by 8 am. Our practices don't start until 10 but I want to meet you for myself and give you a tour."

"I will definitely be there. Thank you so much for the opportunity! I can't wait to finally meet you!"

"You as well, take care. I'll see you tomorrow morning." He said and hung up the phone. I started just bouncing up and down from excitement. I get to be the first woman to practice with the Devils!

I poked my head out of the room with a dorky smile on my face. No one could tame my excitement.

"So? When are you going over to meet them?" Emma asked, immediately noticing me.

"TOMORROW!" I shouted while running over to her and giving her a hug. We spun around for what seemed like forever as we bounced up and down while cheering.

"My little baby's all grown up." Emma said, finally breaking away and wiping a fake tear. I laughed and gave her a little shove.

"I'm only one year older than you." I said.

Emma had finished dinner by the time I was done with my phone call. Was I celebrating a bit too much? Probably. I deserve it though. After dinner, I headed straight to bed. I had to be up early the next morning.

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