Chapter 15: Missing Piece

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I wanted so badly to go to the Philly game after my injury. It's not like I would be playing, or even going to yell my head off. I just couldn't bear to see my team go out there without me. I wanted to just be with them. I mainly wanted to be with Jack. It sucked not being able to be there with them and cheer them on, but alas, Emma and JT were right. I shouldn't go right into my first game while I was still injured and suffering from a concussion. Curse those two for looking after me.

Nothing was going to stop me from going to this game against the Blackhawks though. Thankfully, my concussion wasn't too terrible and I was able to turn into a more functioning person as the days went on. As long as I had earplugs and sunglasses, I would be fine. I wasn't going alone tonight though, I invited Emma to go with me so she could help in case anything happened. The problem was though, where were we going to sit? The WAGS suite was always going to be open to us no matter what, but I was technically supposed to sit with the other scratched players. I just didn't want to sit apart from Emma. I got Coach to let Emma sit with me and the other scratched player so that's where we were headed.

I, unfortunately, was late in getting here because I had a bit of a dizzy spell before Emma and I left. It took a while for me to get back so I didn't have time to go into the locker room before the game. I wasn't too mad at myself for that though, my coming was going to be a surprise. I gave Emma the code to open the door and she held the door open for me so I could go in.

"Oh my god, she lives and breaths!" Nate Bastain said as he watched me crutch in.

"What the hell are you doing here? Go home you have a concussion!" Kevin Bahl added.

"No way. Good luck trying to get me to leave." I said, plopping myself down next to them.

"She had a dizzy spell earlier and I tried to get her to stay home. I'm sure you two will get about as far as I did." Emma joked.

"Well, I admire the dedication." Nate responded.

"Pip, how are you feeling?" Kevin asked, concerned.

"I'm alive and walking. That counts for something right?" I joked. The two laughed but in a nervous way. "Okay in all seriousness, other than the pounding headache and throbbing knee pain every now and then, I feel fine. I just wish I was out there with them."

"Have you ever had a serious injury like this before?" Nate asked.

"Would you count my tendonitis?"

He thought for a moment. It's such a long-term thing that I didn't know whether I should count it or not.

"I'm gonna say no." He said finally.

"Then no, this is the first one."

"Well, congrats on making it this long." Kevin said jokingly. I slapped him across the arm and turned my attention to the ice to watch the game.

It didn't take that long into the game for Jack to do something inhuman. He deked his way around the Blackhawk's defenders and gave Dougie a magical pass to set him up for a one-timer goal. The crowd roared when the puck went into the net. I jumped up on my good leg and almost landed in Emma's arms from being unbalanced.

"YES BABE BEAUTIFUL PASS!!" I yelled as if I was back to normal. It hurt my head to yell like that but it was just such a disgusting pass, I couldn't contain myself.

"Alright lover girl chill out over there." Nate joked, looking over at Emma and me.

"Shut up Nater." I laughed and sat back down.

Just before the first period ended, Kevin and Nate got up to make their way down to the locker room for the first intermission.

"Wait up guys!" I said as I was standing up with my crutches.

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