Night time drive

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Before Eden went to her class she went to find her friends. "guys!" she yelled as she was running towards them. "Hey Eden" karen said as she hugged her best friend. "Hey karen, abby, elyria, violet" she addressed each of them. The girls had gotten super close knit with each other able to tell with out it being let out. "i had s-" the bell rang cutting off Eden. "Just tell us later" Violet said and the walking away to her class, the rest of the girls went to their classes too. "Shall we go?" Eden nodded to Elyria. Eden and Elyria linked arms and walked to their class together. Her teachers head shot over at Eden and Elyria walking in together arms linked. Eden and Elyria were walking and laughing with each other, to caught up in their conversation to notice Miss Andiron was glaring at them. The girls unlinked arms and walked to their own desks, Eden looked up noticing Miss Andiron shooting Elyria a jealous glare, as she sat down. Miss Andiron cleared her throat "ahem..,attention up here all of you!" Everyone turned their attention to the front of the classroom.
Eden was focusing on the women at the front of the classroom, she couldn't stop thinking about the interaction with her from last night. The more Eden thought about it the more her face got heated and red, Miss Andiron noticed and smirked to herself knowing what Eden is thinking about. Miss Andiron stopped teaching and spoke towards eden while strutting to her "Eden, dear are you alright? your face seems like it's burning up?" "i- um uh- i think i'm just feeling warm in this room it's kinda warm in here" eden said struggling to get her words out. Eden looked at her teacher with pleading eyes, Miss Andiron arched her eyebrow and went back to teaching. Eden let out a breath she was holding in.

Class ended, and as everyone was filing out and packing up Miss Andiron walked over to Eden packing up her things. "Don't forget your detention like always." Eden nodded and started to walk away, but Zelda grabbed her arm and eden turned her head and Miss Andiron arched her eyebrow. "y- yes ma'am" she leaned forward to Eden's ear "good girl"

As Eden sat down at her desk with her friends. Abby, Karen, Her, Elyria and Violet, That's the order they always sat in at their table. Karen nudged her "So?! are you gonna tell us what happened? I've been on my seat ALL day DYING to find out!" Eden giggled "alright alright. After detention or whatever, she invited me over..-" "WHAT?" almost all 3 girls asked. " Hush! i'm telling you. Now as i was saying before i got interrupted..she invited me over and as you 3 know my parents are never home, that's why she invited me, anyways um we were watching a movie and then um we had sex..." Eden says the last part kinda softly but enough for the girls to hear. "oh. my. fucking. god.i was wondering who the mark was from on your neck" karen spitted out. "That's so good for you! Oh my god" "karen, not only she did that she comforted me over my was actually really nice..i felt so loved" Eden added. "awh" violet added in "hey Eden i think you two should start something.." eden almost barked at violet but in a hushed tone "vi are you crazy?! i don't even know if she would even want one, i mean the more i spend time with her the more i'm falling for her.." Elyria softly smiled at her "i think we can all agree we support it, just trust us Eden.." Eden nodded.

As the bell rang dismissing them from their last class as the girls walked out they all nodded to each other as Eden walked to her detention and the girls to the parking lot each one headed to their own cars.

Eden walked into her detention and sat down in the same spot she always did. Miss Andiron walked in and Eden looked over at her and immediately blushed. The way she walked in and fixed her hair a bit and the way she looked over at eden. "Has she unbuttoned more of her blouse? surly it wasn't that low before?! was she teasing me..? god she's gorgeous." Eden thought, Eden was trying to keep her eyes off her chest, Miss Andiron walked over to Eden and raised her chin "do I need to remind you where my eyes are..?" she said with a smirk, Eden's face went red "no ma'am." Eden squeaked out.
"good." she replied and walked back to her desk.

After detention they both walked out together like always and to their own cars. But this time is different, before Miss Andiron got in her car she smiled and winked at Eden causing her to blush. Both women got into their own cars and drove home.


"i can't fucking sleep" Eden groaned to herself. Eden decided to get up and throw on shorts and sweatshirt that covered her shorts a bit. Eden grabbed her phone phone and headed out the door.


Zelda was driving around she couldn't sleep either. She was about to go home when she saw Eden walking. She rolled down the window and pulled near the sidewalk she was walking "what the hell are you doing?! Get your ass in here! Don't disobey me either." Eden looked at her with a surprised face and obeyed her and got in her car. "What the hell are you doing Eden!" She firmly asked her as she drove back home. "Why the fuck are you yelling at me! You aren't in charge of me or responsible for me, what's your issue!?" Eden yelled back. "Don't you are curse or yell at me! I thought you knew better- and" Zelda sighed and calmed her voice and turned her head to Eden and looked back at the road. "I don't want you getting hurt sweetie." Zelda placed her hand on Eden upper thigh. Eden could feel her warm hand on her thigh and bit her lip to silence herself. "i'm sorry i yelled..Miss Andiron." Zelda Andiron rubbed her thigh and lightly squeezed it leaving it higher up then it was before. Eden softly squeaked, Zelda smirked to herself knowing "Is something wrong sweetie...?" letting the last word hang as they pulled into her drive way. "I erm no i'm okay.." Eden blushed.

Both women were in the hallway upstairs about to go to bed. Miss Andiron put her hands on both sides of Eden's head and gently kissed it as she was about to pull away Eden reached up and held her arms there and whined a bit wanting to keep her hands there and not wanting the closeness to end.

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