Mr. Darren

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Eden pulled herself closer to her teacher like a little kid. Eden wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly not wanting to let go. Miss Andiron hugged her back and places her chin on eden's head and softly kiss her head, and softly smiled. She slightly whispered into Eden's ear "you need to go to bed darling." Which made eden shiver and arch her back from the hot breath on her ear. Miss Andiron smirked to herself as she felt eden push up against her more from slight arching her back. As they pulled away from each other Miss Android softly smiled "guest room is down the hall i'll walk you." Eden smiled back and nodded. As they got in the room Eden suddenly turned around to her "i need um clothes to sleep in." Miss Andiron softly replied "i'll go get some for you ." As she left the room to get Eden clothes, Eden's mind raced. She just wanted to hug her teacher more just to be there with her, she felt safe and loved. "Here." Zelda said snapping her out of her thoughts, "thanks" eden replied as she took the clothes and walked over to the bathroom and changed. Miss Android face slightly flushed, seeing Eden in her clothes again made her feel a certain way and she couldn't explain it. Eden sat on the bed facing her teacher, as she walked over to eden "you okay for tonight..?" as said as she placed a hand on eden's shoulder. "uh yeah.." As she was removing her hand eden grabbed it while looking down, not wanting her teacher to see her red face. "Eden..?" she questioned,she slight whined back in response. "Eden..? Words hunny.." Eden whined again "can i sleep with you in your bed tonight.." eden asked in a whisper. "Yes.." Miss Andiron slightly chuckled and both walked to her room. Eden snuggled up against her teacher, while she slightly hugged eden.

Miss andiron woke up to see Eden still snuggled up to her and she softly smiled. She nudged Eden awake before they were late. "Cmon honey we gotta go" Eden whined "no, it's fine i'll just sleep more and get a tardy i don't care." Miss Andiron was in the middle of getting dressed, she had her skirt and bra on, as she walked over to Eden. She grabbed Eden chin and made her look at her, "I will not tolerate whining, and you will get dressed and ready for school like a hood girl, do you understand me..?" Eden let out a soft whiny moan "yes Miss Andiron." Eden faces was flushed.

Both girls got ready together, as they have before once. Zelda guided Eden out with her hand lightly touching her back. As both got outside and to the car Eden turned around to face her teacher slightly looking up at her. "Eden?" She raised and eyebrow in confusion of why she stopped. She took a deep breath before she leaned up and kissed her teacher. Miss Andiron hummed in surprise, and cupped Eden's cheek and deepened the kiss and Eden put her hands around her neck.
Both pulled away and looked at each other with love in their eyes. Miss Andiron taped Eden's nose "We need to get going now." she smiled softly at the girl. She walked over to the other side of the car and got in with Eden. They stopped by Eden's so she could get her things for school.
"If that was your attempt at distracting me from going to school..,you going to try harder Eden." Miss Andiron smirked. "Well i have no idea what your talking about." Eden said with a sarcastic tone. "Mhm sure." The rest of the rise to school they were talking and laughing.
As they pulled into the parking lot of the school they got their earlier then normal so barely anyone was their. They both got out and walked into the building. As they walked upstairs to her classroom Eden followed closely behind her. "Not going to see your friends..?" Miss Andiron asked Eden, "Um uh no..i just want to spend time with you before." Eden trailing off the second half. "Hmm what was that Eden..?" Miss Andiron asked. She had heard Eden before but just wanted to hear her say it again, "i said um uh no..i just want to spend time with you before." Eden said back to her louder then last time.
Eden sat down, at her desk as other filed into the classroom as the bell rang. Eden just focused on the teacher the entire time. She admired her so much, she was perfect to Eden. Miss Andiron turned around while she was teaching and took a moment to look at Eden and softly smile at her, Eden smiled back.

As class ended Eden stayed a bit behind and walked over to her teachers desk. "Eden..? Do you need anything..? I don't think i have to remind you to come back for detention, you should know by now." Miss Andiron questioned at her. "Oh. Well no it's not that..I was just wondering if i could stay in your classroom for the next block, i just don't feel like going.." Eden spoke softly "Well that a new one" she said as she got up from her chair walking around to Eden. She tilted Eden's chin up at bit to look at her. "And here i thought you would never want to spend more time with me, i didn't think you would have changed since the beginning of the year..,you hated me but i think that's what made it all the more better.., "she smirked at Eden. Her mind  raced "was she talking about the night we.." It seemed like she was.
but no you can't stay..though that wouldn't be bad. You have class and i need this planning period. So off you go." "Fineee" Eden groaned. She made her way off to her other class but made it in late.
Let me see you after class Eden Mr.Darren spoke before starting class.

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