Chapter 1 - Date A Isekai

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AN (January 3, 2023)

And so, this is the start of the first story I wrote.

I re-read the chapters recently and found them a bit lacking, so I've decided to re-write them.

After Chapter 14 is the rewrite of Chapter 1. That means if you want to read the old versions, start here. If you want to read the new versions, skip ahead.

The originals will remain up and WILL NOT BE OVERWRITTEN.

Thanks for reading.





...what the hell is this?

Instead of waking up on my nice, soft bed, why the hell am I in the middle of a FUCKING CRATER!?

Not to mention all of the buildings in the distance, I've never been in a city the large before, nor is there any city this large near where I live.

Looking down I notice I'm wearing some sort of armor that's a very dark red. Moving my arm I notice that it's very light and covers all of my body, even my head! How odd, it doesn't impair my vision at all. I probably wouldn't have even noticed it if I hadn't looked down!

But still, waking up in the middle of a crater? I've heard of this crap before. At least it's not a smoking, flaming crater, though getting Cole McG's lightning or some other Conduit powers would be pretty cool.

I hear a quiet whirring sound behind me. Turning around, I see a few dots in the sky coming closer. As they come closer I notice what they are.

"Is that... a bunch of girls wearing jetpacks?"

Sure enough, there's about a dozen girls wearing skimpy bodysuits and jetpacks. Hang on, I recognize those outfits.

"Spirit, surrender now." One of them speaks out, clearly the commander.

Wait, are those chicks the fucking AST!? Did I get isekai'd into Date A Live? Oh well, might as well mess with 'em.

"Spirit? I ain't dead, last I checked I was still a living human being." Their faces appear confused or perhaps shocked as I say that.

"Enough games, Spirit." "Wait, Origami!"

One of girls, who interestingly has pure white hair is dashing at me and OH FUCK SHE'S SWINGING A SWORD AT ME!!!

I quickly dodge out of the way. I definitely couldn't do this before. I wasn't exactly a agile person, never played any sports or anything. Must be a spirit thing.

She keeps swinging wildly at me, and I keep dodging. I notice that she's infinitely more beautiful than in the anime, even though she'a literally trying to kill me right now. Dammit brain, focus on surviving instead of looking at the pretty girl!

Okay, all I need to do is keep dodging her and tire her out and then-

The other girls are aiming at me aren't they?

A few bullets are shot my way and I barely dodge them. Fuck, bullets are way faster then swords!

A fist obscures my vision and sends me flying backwards. I roll on the ground a few times before catching myself and landing on a crouch. Fuck, Origami might be short but damn she hits hard. Though, I didn't feel any pain. Damn, this armor must be tough!

I really wish I had a weapon right now. It'd be awesome to have something like Sandalphon or-

A light appearing from my hand cuts my train of thought. As it dies down, I notice that I'm holding... Sandalphon!? Wait wait wait, how the hell do I have this!? How the hell could I have Tohka's angel?

Did I imagine it up? What if I had another weapon, like maybe... the Firelink Greatsword? I've played a lot of Dark Souls, so it'd be an awesome thing to have.

A light engulfs Sandalphon, as it fades, the weapon of the Soul of Cinder is in my hands. Can I just make anything with my imagination?

Unfortunately, I can't dwell on this as Origami dashes at me again. I block her sword with mine.

Our blades clash over and over again. Damn she's fast! I don't know how long I can do this shit!

Aha! I've got it!

"POCKET SAND!" I yell as I make some sand in my hand and throw it into her face. She flinches and blocks her face with her arm. I CAN make things with imagination, and not just swords. Take that EMIYA!

I kick her in the stomach, sending her flying.
"As much as I'd like to play with y'all, I'd rather be doing... anything else." I say to them all as I make Michael in my hands.

"FIRE!" The commander, I think her name was Ryouko, says as they all begin shooting at me. It's too late for that though, I've already made a portal and hopped into it. Where does it lead? Who knows!

As I step out I realize I'm in an alley. Well I DID make the portal lead to anywhere but there. Still, what the hell do I do now?

I'm in the middle of, presumably, Tengu City. I'm a spirit with an unknown angel that lets me make most anything with my imagination. On top of that I DON'T SPEAK JAPANESE!!!

Then again, the AST girls were speaking in English. Maybe my angel gives me auto-translate.

My thought process is interrupted by a silky smooth feminine voice that sends shivers down my spine. A voice I'm all too familiar with.

"Ara ara~"

That my friends, is the voice of my waifu.

That confirms it, I am definitely in Date A Live!



This is just a little story I started to write for fun. I've read fanfictions for years, but never got around to actually writing one.

This is my first, so please be gentle lol.

Anyways, lately my love for the Date A Live series has been reinvigorated, so I decided 'why the hell not?' and wrote this.

Don't expect chapters the be scheduled or often, I'll write when I feel like it.

This story is also posted on FanFiction as well.

Edit: January 3, 2023: Added a AN at the top explaining the re-written chapters.

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