Re:Chapter 5 - Date A Date

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My eyes flutter open as light peeks between the curtains. What happened yesterday all still seems so unbelievable.

I mean, who would believe a super-powered boy from another world knows about your past and wants to help you? It's quite strange.

Issei-kun was right, he did fix Zafkiel. My Sephira is producing Reiryoku at a steady pace, unlike before. He really made it so I wouldn't have to kill people anymore...

"That foolish boy..." I mutter to myself with a smile, as I sit up. I look over at Issei-kun, still sound asleep.

"Ufufu~" I let out a giggle. His face is so peaceful like this.

Thinking over what happened yesterday, I come to a conclusion.

Issei-kun really does care for me. Even though he's never known me personally, he does care. Even though he know me what I've done, he doesn't hate me for it. The only other person who could do that is...

Sighing quietly, I banish those thoughts from my head.

Furthermore, Issei-kun got so angry last night when he realized what was wrong with Zafkiel. He seemed like a easygoing, albeit easily flustered person, though that may be because of me. Still, he got that angry FOR me. It's really been a long time since I could say someone got angry for me instead of angry at me.

Following a sudden urge of mine, I gently rest my hand on his cheek.

I've tried to play the part of the villain for years now, and Issei-kun comes in and, within one day, makes me doubt so much. It must be a gift.

I remove my hand from his face as his eyes begin to flutter. As they open slowly, suddenly they shoot open in surprise before relaxing as he smiles gently.

"Mornin'." He greets with his usual way of speaking.

"Morning." I greet back.

Ufufu~ he's too cute.


Honestly, waking up to see the beautiful face of Kurumi as light gently peeks though the window is something right out of my wildest fantasies. And yet, here it is.

God, I am lucky.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask the time Spirit.

"Quite well, and you?" She asks back with a smile.

"Pretty good, considering I usually can't sleep well in a new bed. Although, I did have a pretty neat dream last night, so that may be the case." I say.

"I'm glad then." Kurumi smiles a beautiful smile, her hair unbound, yet still covering her clock eye. I raise my hand up and brush the bangs behind her ear. She jolts slightly in surprise at my actions.

"Y'know, you really should put you bangs like this sometimes. The world deserves to see your beautiful eyes." I compliment.

"...!" She gasps quietly as a blush creeps its way onto her face, before giggling. "Ufufu~ thank you for that, Issei-kun."

"Well then, how's breakfast sound? How about an American classic?" I ask, sitting up.

She smiles again before saying "I'd like that."

Fuck, she's too beautiful.


Eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice. Definitely the American classic. Breakfast of champions, and all of that.

We both thoroughly enjoy our breakfast while I tell her about Helel.

"So you can't inverse?" She asks.

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