Chapter 10.5 - Date A Interlude 2

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Deus Ex Machina Industries are the main supplier of CR-Units for the AST. They've done many great things for the world, their CEO Isaac Wescott was even knighted some years back. On paper, they're a great boon to the humanitarian effort.

So then what the hell happened last night?!

Waking up is already enough of a pain as it is, but my nice morning was ruined by hearing someone attacked a DEM base.

The assumed attacker was a Spirit. Of course it was, there's a massive gash in the island. Few could do something like that, none of them human. Or at least, physically human.

Though that could just be me assuming things. We still don't know if other Spirits were once human like me.

"Okay then, what do we know?" I ask my subordinates, from my commander's chair. Kannazuki's off today, thank God, so I won't have to deal with him this morning.

"DEM had a secret base on Neryl Island at it was attacked at 22:39 last night." One person answers.

"They went rogue. DEM as well as the British Government released statements not long ago, condemning them."

"They captured and experimented on all of the 73 people who were rescued, as well as God-knows how many more who didn't make it."

"No-one died, all prisoners were rescued, all workers arrested. No casualties at all."

"Okay then." I mull over that information. "So someone, clearly a Spirit, attacked them, rescued the prisoners and killed no-one. Are there any Spirits who could do... that?" I ask, referring to the massive gash in the earth. It looks like someone swung a sword inside the facility and cut though the earth. The island had a form of cloaking that blocked surveillance and prevented us from sensing any Reiryoku output. That is, until someone 'cut' through the barrier.

"No, ma'am. No Spirits, aside from the First should have that sort of power."

"Could it be Emperor? She fled from the AST and hasn't been seen since?" The fully armored Spirit had a rather weak spacequake, and because of this, is rated rather low in terms of strength, only a B-Rank, but she hasn't been seen since.

"Perhaps, we don't know the full extent of her power, aside from that copied angel." That's right, when the AST attacked her, she made a copy of Princess' angel. Can she do that with others?

"We did sense three large Reiryoku souces in the facility for just a moment, before once disappeared, followed by the other two moments later." Someone points out.

"So she had help, any idea who?" I ask.

"No idea, ma'am. Their power output doesn't match those of any other Spirits, they also were really high. We might have three new Spirits aside Emperor, unless she was one of those there."

More Spirits show up, and they're getting stronger and stronger. At this rate, my stupid brother's job will be even harder.

I dispel that thought by replacing it with another. DEM clearly knows about Spirits and, though that base went 'rogue', they still experimented on people. Some papers we recovered show they were trying to find out more about Spirits and maybe even create one. One thing about this bothers me though...

Did they really go rogue, or was it just DEM cutting their losses?

We know nothing of them truly. The AST's job is to kill Spirits, but what does DEM really want...?

"Hmph. Okay then people, begin compiling all the info we've gotten." With a resounding chorus of 'Yes, ma'am.', they begin to work. I get up and leave the room, my mind still racing.

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