Re:Chapter 6 - Date A Witch

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It's been roughly a week since Kurumi and I went on that wonderful date. I had forgotten how enjoyable it was to spend time with a single person. Eh, maybe I was just lonely and never noticed until now.

She introduced me to some of her favorite movies. I've never been one for movies, but they were quite good picks. I introduced her to my favorite video games. Got her hooked on Bloodborne. Never through today be able to say something like that! 'I got Tokisaki Kurumi to play Bloodborne'. She had never played console games before, only arcade games, but she picked it up rather quickly.

Maybe I'll get her on Elden Ring afterwards...

We didn't spend all the time inside, though. We sometimes walked around the city. Most of the time, I cooked for the both of us. Helel really came in handy there as I now have a veritable encyclopedia of recipes in my head. That, plus EMIYA's cooking skill has made me a god of cooking, and Kurumi agrees!

She still has come and slept next to me every single night. I still turn beet red everytime I see her in her sleepwear, though I'm not sure if I can ever get used to seeing something so damn beautiful. Helel and I have also spoken most nights, and we confirmed some things.

Helel cannot Inverse, but that doesn't mean I can't imagine myself Inversing, which would most likely cause her to Inverse. Though, I'm not exactly willing to try it out. Unless... I could imagine myself Inversing, but having the same personality.

Hmm... Better to save that kinda plan for a rainy day.

A REALLY rainy day...

Nothing major has happened this week, either. No spacequakes or Spirits or AST or anything, just peace and calm.

Like right now. Kurumi and I are sitting next to one another on the couch, my head leaning in her shoulder as she plays Bloodborne whereas I am browsing stuff on my phone I made earlier in the week. A calm, lazy October afternoon, where nothing can go wro-


I loud sound blares in the distance, causing me to shoot up in alarm.

"What the hell is that?!" I ask frantic, turning to Kurumi.

"Oh that? That's one spacequake alarms in the city." She explains, like it's obvious.

"In the CITY? How loud are those that it's so loud even over here?" Kurumi's apartment is on the very edge of the outskirts of Tengu City. The siren is horribly loud even here, almost painfully so.

"Quite loud. I think they made them to hurt Spirits." She jokes.

"Haha." I laugh, deadpan. "Still, that means a Spirit's gonna appear, huh?" I ask rhetorically as I stand up and stretch. "I suppose I'd better go and meet 'em."

"Oh? Looking to save another Spirit, Issei-kun?" She asks.

I turn to Kurumi with a serious look and tone of voice. "Of course. Everyone who's become a Spirit has had more than enough heartache forced upon them by the world. I ain't much of a fan of this Shido guy, he seems to be the stereotypical harem protagonist, willing to help, but also just kinda rides along with the whatever happens, never taking any action ahead of time. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the guy, but I'm not just gonna sit around and wait for Spirits to appear to help them. I know where a few of them are, so I'm gonna help them out ASAP." I explain. "Thinking over this info in my head, I've decided I wanna have the Spirits have a good life, especially after seeing all of the shit they've been through. So, I'm gonna make 'em have a happy ending, the one they deserve."

Kurumi stares at me for a moment, shocked at my passionate, yet kinda cheesy in hindsight, rant, before I break the silence. "Sorry about ranting like that."

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