Chapter 8 - Date A Plan

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The next morning I awoke to find the bed empty. Usually, Kurumi stays in bed with me for a few minutes, and I distinctly remember Natsumi slept in here too. As I slept, Helel and I had a conversation regarding what I'm gonna do today, at least hopefully today.

Gonna break Nia out of DEM's grasp.

I used a fake Rasiel in my dreamscape to find out a few things. For starters, Nia is being held at Neryl Island, an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. If I remember, it was guarded by Adeptus 2, Artemisia Bell Ashcroft, but instead it's being guarded by Adeptus 1, Ellen Mira Mathers. Shame, I was hoping to rescue her too.

Artemisia and Adeptus 3, Mana Takamiya have been dispatched to China for reasons that don't really matter to much, all I looked for was the fact that they won't finish their mission for a few days. I could go over there and un-brainwash Artemisia and heal Mana, but that'll have to happen another day.

Get in, grab Nia, get out. Easy plan, on paper at least.

Interestingly, Isaac Wescott is currently visiting the island, so we'll have to content with him too. Ellen isn't a pushover, either. Kurumi might be able to fight her for a while, and Natsumi will get completely crushed. As for me? I have no clue, I still haven't really tested my limits yet.

That means, we need a trump card, and I know exactly what I can do. I'm just gonna have to 'hack' into Zafkiel again. I got to thinking about the Inverse form. If I can hack into Zafkiel, can I do the same for Lucifugus? Could I make it so she could use it without turning to Queen? Could I do the same for Natsumi and allow her to use... Baal I suppose it would be called?

Oh well, these thoughts can come later. Right now I need to find those two and tell 'em my plans. I get out of bed and put my blue jeans and red t-shirt. Slipping on my belt, I make my way downstairs and the scent of food hits my nose. Are they cooking? As I enter the dining room, I'm treated to a damn good sight.

"Good morning, goshujin-sama~" "Guhk-?!"

With that surprising line from Kurumi and the choking sound I make immediately after, I take a better look at my surroundings. The table is covered in all sorts of food, but that's not the important part. Remember that one part in Season 3 where Natsumi got Kotori and Yoshino to dress in only an apron and a swimsuit? Yeah, this is that, except Natsumi actually dressed like that, oh and Kurumi did too.

"W-We made breakfast, s-s-so help yourself, G-Goshujin-sama..." Natsumi says in a shaky voice while pulling the bottom of her dress down.

"I don't know why you're so shy, Natsumi-chan. You wanted to do this." The taller girl says, placing her hand on the smallers' shoulders.

"I just didn't think it'd be this embarrassing!" She shouts.

Dear god, this is an amazing sight. I never got why people got so wound up about the 'naked apron' thing, but now I understand the appeal completely.

"Alright, then." I say, sitting down in one of the chairs. The two girls proceed to sit on the chairs on either side of me. Kurumi to my left, Natsumi to my right.

"Well then, would you like your cute maids to feed you, goshujin-sama~?" Kurumi asks, a sly smile on her face.

"Ku-Kurumi?! We never agreed to-" "Sure!" I say, cutting off Natsumi's worried talk.

Kurumi uses a fork to hold a piece of a fried egg to my mouth. "Say 'Ahh'."

I smile and say 'Ahh'. She puts the food in my mouth, and it tastes pretty good.

"Natsumi, do you want to feed goshujin-sama too?"

"Well..." The shorter Spirit looks toward the floor, hoping to avoid the conversation.

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