Re:Chapter 1 - Date A Isekai

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...what the hell is this?

Instead of waking up to laying down on my nice, soft bed, why the hell am I standing upright in the middle of a FUCKING CRATER?!

Not to mention all of the buildings in the distance. I've never been in a city large enough to have a section of the city with most of the buildings being half a dozen stories tall. Plus, there aren't any near me, the closest ones are about a hour drive, at least.

Looking down, I notice something truly strange. I'm not in my usual sleepwear, a t-shirt and light sweatpants, but am instead covered with some sort of dark red armor. It's covering every part of my body, even my head. My vision is in obscured, due to a visor. Huh, I wonder what the visor looks like from the outside, seeing as how it's just a light tint of grey on it from the inside.

I definitely wouldn't have noticed this if I hadn't looked down.

Speaking of looking down, I take a closer look at my surroundings. The buildings I spoke of aren't all upright. Some are tilted, some missing large chunks and some are mere rubble. As for where I'm standing?

The middle of a massive crater.

It's like I was at the center of an explosion which destroyed this city. I've definitely heard of this one before. Maybe this armor is a result of me turning into a conduit... not.


As I ruminate these thoughts, I hear a sound in this distance. A whirring sound, or rather lots of them. Turning towards the sound, I see about a dozen dots in the sky, slowly getting closer.

All of which are headed right for me.

As the dots grow in size, I begin to make their actual shapes out.

"Is that... a bunch of girls wearing jetpacks...?" I mutter in pure confusion.

Each of them are wearing skimpy mechanical outfits. They resemble one piece swimsuits with green-grey mechanical bits covering most of their arms and legs. Their shoulders are covered as well, which combine together to cover their collarbones and neck. The tops of their chests are exposed and a bit of their abdomens are covered merely by a layer of skin-tight material, not hiding anything, but instead darkening what's beneath, like car window tint.

On their backs are four metal 'wings', as well as four smaller ones, two on their legs and two on a headband. They also each carry a light grey cannon of sorts. Or perhaps, a rifle? Or a sword?

Regardless of the impractical armor, they all are floating via thrusters in their wings, all eight of them.

The one I presume to be their leader, a taller woman with black hair tied into a high ponytail and grey eyes, speaks to me. "Spirit. You are surrounded. Surrender now." She orders me.

Spirit...? Hang on a sec. These girls look like...
Oh are they the fucking AST?! Did I get isekai'd into Date A Live?!

Looking through the girls, I only recognize two. Their leader... Ryouko, was it? And over there, practically snarling at me, is Origami.

Mentally shrugging, I decide to mess with 'em a bit.

"Whaddya mean by 'Spirit'? I ain't dead. Last I checked I was still a living, breathing human." I say, causing their faces to be filled with confusion or perhaps shock at my words. "Though, this armor is certainly new." I say, looking down at myself and patting my chest.

Suddenly, a quiet voice speaks out with thinly veiled rage. "Enough games, Spirit."

"Wait, Origami!" Another girl shouts.

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