chapter eleven

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*9 years ago*

I'm finally double digits! My mom says that hitting double digits is a huge milestone. Ariya has already turned 10 & her birthday was awesome.

I ran downstairs, still in my princess jasmine pajamas, and ran into my moms arms. She smiled super big and I inhaled her scent of roses. My mom was beautiful, I've never met anyone like my mama.

"MAMA! DOUBLE DIGITS!" I yelled excitedly.

"Yes baby! Double digits!" She sat me down in front of her leaning down to my height. "Your party starts in two hours sweetie. Go brush your teeth & pick which dress you want to wear."

I almost jumped up and down in excitement at the mention of my dresses. Mama bought me three this year! She said it's a special gift for my double digits.

I ran up the stairs to my room and flung open my closet excitedly. There was a yellow poofy one that reminded me of belle, a white poofy one with lace in the middle, and a plain pink one.

I love them all. I should let mama pick. Maybe she can tell me which one dad would find the prettiest.

I ran down stairs, all three in my hand. "MAMA, I can't pick!" She turned around from the plates on the table. I smelled french toast, my favorite.

"Honey, you would look adorable in any of them."

I scrunched my nose. "Which one would daddy like the best?"

I saw mama lose her smile. I wondered what I had done to cause it.

"Your fathers favorite color is yellow! How about you go with that one." Her smile returned, but it was a different smile.

It wasn't as warm.


"Ariya!" Shes my best friend we met last year in science class. She held a pink box in her hand with a white bow on top.

"Here you go Nicole, I hope you like it." She fiddled with her thumbs nervously. I don't know why she looked so nervous I would love anything she gave me.

More and more of my friends started to show up and I couldn't wait to play in the bouncy house and eat my cake. I picked a strawberry cake with this confetti frosting that I thought looked pretty.

My dad should be here any minute now because it's pretty much a full house now.

"Come on sweetie! It's time to cut the cake!" I heard my mother's voice call out from the kitchen.

I grabbed my best friend Ariya and we laughed as we made our way to to the table.

I was seated in front of my cake while my friends and family sang me happy birthday. I always hated this part.

When it was time to blow out my candles and make a wish I wished that my dad would be proud of my dress choice.

"What'd you wish for?" My friend Ava softly elbowed me with questioning eyes.

"Well if I tell you it won't come true." I replied with what my mom has always told me.

We laughed and finished up our plates. My friends and I talked about our favorite school subject and the upcoming field trip to the aquarium.

It was finally time for everyone to get to play outside. My friends and I played in the bouncy house for hours.


I saw that the sun was setting and everyone's parents seemed to be grabbing their things. I looked around for dad, but I couldn't find him.

I saw mama on the phone and she looked angry. I hope I didn't upset her.

I walked up to my mama and tugged on her shirt. Her eyes immediately softened when she saw me. She patted my head and muffled her last words into the phone before hanging up. "We will talk about this later John."

"What's up kiddo?" She perked up.

I looked up at her with confusion in my eyes. "Was that daddy?"

I saw my mamas eyes sadden and water. "Uhm, yeah sweetie, his work ran late and he couldn't make it, but he wanted me to tell you that he loves you very much and happy birthday."

I felt a lump come up my throat but I needed to be strong for mama. "Okay. Thank you for the birthday today, I love you mama."

She smiled at me but I walked away just wanting to get to my room.

"Nicole!" I felt an arm grab my own. It was Ariya.

Her eyes automatically saddened at the tears on my cheeks. "What's wrong?"

"My dad couldn't make it." I sobbed, not being able to hold in my tears anymore.

I wondered what I did. Mama always said his work ran late, but I think she's telling lies. It's been the same excuse for everything.

Ariya held me tight in her arms. "Hey my mom always says that the people who can't make time for you don't deserve you." She wiped a tear from my cheek and smiled shyly as she handed me the pink box I haven't opened yet.

I lightened up and opened the box. There were two necklaces in it. One was a dolphin and one was a wave. I took out the dolphin examining it. "How'd you know dolphins were my favorite animal?" I exclaimed.

"I asked your mom." She giggled and grabbed the necklace with the wave from the box excitedly. "Look, they connect!" She pushed the two necklaces together to show me. This was so cool. Best birthday gift ever.

"Thank you so much Ariya, I love it. We're going to be the bestest friends forever!"

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