chapter twenty eight

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I woke up in a cold sweat, the night was still dark so I knew I couldn't have been asleep for long.

My body was aching in every spot possible and I couldn't stop by body from shaking no matter how hard I tried.

I rose up from the bed and was hit with a huge dizzy spell but I needed to make it to the bathroom, my stomach was in a pain I have never felt before.

I stumbled towards the bathroom and dropped in front of the toilet, I vomited up what little I had to eat the day before and the nausea felt somewhat better, but my whole body was still in excessive pain.

"Nicole? Holy shit are you okay?" Milo was standing in the door frame of the bathroom wearing a panicked expression.

I slid from the toilet and propped myself against the shower glass. "I don't feel too good."

"I can see that. Is it something you ate?"

Just then it hit me, I was having a withdrawal, my body was craving my pills, I needed them.

Such a simple fix, one pill and this would all go away.

"Get me a Xanax Milo."

He looked taken aback. "Wha- What?"

"I need Xanax Milo, right now!" My voice was rising.

"Nicole." His face dropped, "Nicole no." there was despair in his voice as the realization dawned on him.

"You're going through a withdrawal?" He spoke monotonously, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"It looks like it, help me." I said through gritted teeth.

We both sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Nicole you know I can't do that, even if I did have the pills."


But the anger facade dropped and I was sobbing, tears joining my already sweat moistened face.

"What's wrong with me."

Milo picked me up and sat behind me to where my head was on his chest. "Nothing, nothing Nicole, we're going to get through this okay?" He stroked his hands through my hair.

I nodded and all of a sudden sleep took me in, I don't know how, considering the pain I was in, but I had no complaints because it was gone.


I awoke a few hours later feeling only slightly better, my head was pounding and I was still covered in light sweat.

By now the sun had risen outside and the room was filled with a golden glow.

"Nicole, you're awake, how are you feeling?" Milo made his way to my side of the bed and sat.

"A little better, not much though." I groaned.

"We need to talk."

"Look Milo, I didn't realize I was taking them so frequently okay, I'll never touch another one. Ariya gave them to me after my dad died to help."

His face changed from solemn to curious. "Ariya gave them to you?"

It seemed as if something instantly clicked in Milos mind and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes. She did, and I bet you anything she did it on purpose but it doesn't matter because I'm fine, I'm not addicted I swear."

His face switched back to apologetic and it made my insides twist with fury.

"You can understand why'd that be hard for me to believe?"

"Milo, I'll get help. I didn't realize how much I was depending on them until now, and I'm sorry that I snapped at you."

He put his hand on my thigh and kissed my cheek. "I'm going away this week, I have a family trip. I think it'd be best if we took this time to focus on ourselves. You need your space to find who you are as a person, and I want to give that to you, having to deal with me would add to your already stacking pile, We're psych majors amour, I know you're not supposed to be in relationships while going through recovery." He slightly smiled.

I returned his smile to show him my understanding, deep deep down I knew he was right but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

"I know."

"And you can still stay here of course."

I paired my hand with his that was still sitting on top of my thigh

"Have a great trip Milo."


bittersweet ending to their story

do you think they'll find their way back to each other ?

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