chapter thirty two

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"If it isn't the bitch herself." a familiar voice spoke.

"Josie!" I ran into her full speed wrapping my legs around her waist and peppering her face in kisses.

"What am I?! A roach?" Another familiar voice spoke, as I saw Milo stepping out of his car.

I chuckled as I once again ran full speed and wrapped my legs around his torso, except I kissed him on the lips, holding the kiss for as long as I felt appropriate.

"Man am I happy to see you guys."

"Likewise." He chuckled as he set me down gently.

"Wait. How did you even know I was here?" I asked curiously.

"Josie over here." He gestured to an overexcited Josie, "found my socials and informed me."

"I'm sorry if I overstepped!" She said nervously.

"No not at all, thank you! Thank you for everything."

She smiled anxiously. "Let's get you home shall we."

We started a walk towards Milos car.

"Oh you never told me you were into girls?" Milo started.



I was in front of my apartment just praying that Ariya was elsewhere. I asked Milo to take me here so I could get a change of clothes to bring to his place.

Him and Josie went to the nearest store to grab some snacks and coffee while they waited.

I took one final breath and stepped into the apartment I once found comfort in.

And to my complete disappointment Ariya was sat on the couch twiddling her thumbs.

"I'll be in and out, I just need some new clothes."

She jumped up from her spot on the couch but I was already in my room with the door shut and locked.

I heard her footsteps retreat away from my door.

I walked over to my counter to see everything as I left it.

I sat on my bed taking in a few breaths, taking in everything that has happened over the past few months that has led me to this position.

Finally I got back up again and packed a bag of new clothes.

I heard distant talking in the living room and stopped my movements to hear more clearly and get a better idea of who could be in the apartment right now.

The voices got closer and closer until it was silent and I saw shadows outside of my door.

Okay, what the fuck.

Someone was meddling with the lock now.

The door was burst open and two masked men barged into my room.

I remember trying my best to run but a cloth was pulled over my nose and drowsiness set in quickly until every part of my body was limp, and darkness accompanied with unconsciousness took me in.

I woke up groggily, my vision was blurry but I could feel my hands were tied up and my nose was flooded with what smelt like an abandoned warehouse.

I blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the low lighting surrounding me.

When my vision finally came to full attention I realized I was in what looked like a warehouse, so my senses were correct, I was in the middle of the wide space tied to a chair. My mouth was extremely dry. I would sell my soul for some water right now.

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