chapter twenty four

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Ever since I came home from the hospital I've been constantly taking the xanax Ariya gave me.

It's been helping with the anxiety, it makes my mind numb and I feel like I have no thoughts when I take it.

And yes I know that that seems concerning but I don't take more than 2 a day. Although sometimes I do pair it with alcohol on the really bad days because it makes me forget.

I decided that's it's finally time for me to go back to class, I have to get my shit together before I have nothing left.

I have around 30 minutes before I'm supposed to be in class so I did my morning routine and put on a baggy shirt with track pants and paired it with some sneakers.

I know that I look horrible. My face is sunken in from the lack of food and my eye bags have purple hues. My hair is a damn rats nest.

But if anyone has anything to say about it they can kiss my ass, I'm just trying to get a degree here.

I rushed to my car before I realized that I had forgotten something. My pills.

I ran back up the stairs of my apartment and grabbed the pill bottle off the nightstand. I decided to pop one into my mouth.

Today is going to be extremely stressful and I don't need my mind to be on high alert like it is 24 fucking 7.

I made it to school with 5 minutes to spare, so I quickly walked my way to my class and by the time I got there I was sweating like a pig and my breath was accelerated. I sounded like a 40 year old smoker.

I got a few stares as I walked in, but that was expected. I took my seat across from Milo and when his eyes met mine his face dropped.

"Jesus christ Nicole." He spoke. "When was the last time you've had something to eat or drink."

My mind felt completely shutdown so I really didn't want to deal with the worried "boyfriend" today.

"I'm not sure." I replied truthfully because there was no point in lying about it.

I suddenly remembered the project and slapped my hand to my forehead. "Shit."

"What?" He exclaimed

"The project, shit I am so sorry."

He chuckled while rubbing my back. "Don't worry about that Nicole, I finished it, it was the least I could do, and plus you carried my ass through the first half."

I weakly smiled at him. "Thank you."

"Of course, now I'm taking you out for food after this class and don't even try to argue with me."

As the class went on I tried taking as many notes as I could to catch up.

I also decided to take one more xanax pill because I felt like the last one was wearing off.

After another 10 minutes of taking notes the class erupted with sounds of phones going off.

People were looking around confused as they pulled out their phones to check their messages. Even Professor Mariana looked confused, so I'm guessing it's not a school thing.

I pulled out my phone but I didn't have anything. I could hear people around me snickering and when I looked up almost every single person in this class room was staring at me.

"What the fuck." I whispered to Milo who was looking down at his phone with his eyes wider than I have ever seen them.

"What is it?" I attempted to pull his phone but he pulled it back as fast as he could.

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