Chapter Fifteen

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I never actually went back to my room. Instead, I wandered the grounds, trying to think rationally and collect my thoughts. But every time I tried to think of a solution, I'd spiral into an icy panic. How would I get stronger without the Delta's training? How much time did I have left before Azriel came? Where would I go once the Alpha realised just how much of a threat I was to his court?

By the time I did get back to my room late afternoon, I was fuming. Part of me wanted to go to that shabby log cabin and demand more answers, but I knew I'[d never get any. We were a bad combination, him and I; stubborn, and far too proud to admit otherwise. Every we time we argued we kicked up a storm, and it would only be a matter of time before someone got hurt. 

I was so focused on the solitude of my room, I almost missed the two girls sitting in the velvet loveseats. I whirled. Azure gazed past me, her mind elsewhere, whilst Raina lay down on the seat to her right. I was about to walk away without acknowledgement when I noticed just how pale Raina was. I crossed the distance within a matter of moments, kneeling beside her. 

"Raina, what happened? You look awful," I stammered. Her eyes were slow to open, as though that in itself were an effort. Her eyes stared into mine, but I could tell she wasn't really seeing me. I'd seen that glossiness in my own eyes to know what that meant. I turned to Azure, my eyes asking the question I didn't dare utter. 

"She was attacked," Azure deadpanned. I froze, stunned by the emotions that passed through me. Shock. Anger. Rage. The energy in my core flared, wanting to kill before even knowing who did it. It seemed Azure spied it all in my face, for she clarified, "It was a group of boys. They targeted her in the grounds. But don't worry, they won't touch her again. I saw to that."

Her shadowed eyes made my blood run cold.

"She lost a lot of blood," Azure continued, looking towards her lap. It was almost as though she were talking to herself. "I healed her, but I can't restore lost blood. We'll have to wait for her to recover. I say a few days before she'll be back on her feet."

I blinked. There was something in Azure's voice that sounded... heavy. Regretful, almost. As I watched her, I noticed the way she looked at everything but the sick girl on the couch.

I looked again towards Raina, her porcelain face void of that usual pink tint. Her chest rose and fell steadily, but her little body looked weak. Tired. That anger thundered through me again. What kind of heartless bastard could attack a sweet girl like Raina? 

"I don't get it," I murmured, going to hold Raina's hand. Her finger were icy in mine. "Raina wouldn't hurt a fly. Why would they do this?"

Azure huffed a chuckle, and I turned to her, brows raised. 

"Oh, I wouldn't call her harmless. She put up one hell of a fight."

My brows rose further. "She did?"

Azure nodded, finally allowing her eyes to travel to Raina. I was even more shocked by the faint smile on her lips. It was odd to see any expression on her face that wasn't a scowl or a frown. However, as the moments passed, the smile faded into something like pain, and she returned her gaze to her lap. 

"I kept calling her a coward, Kyra," she whispered. "I told her she couldn't fight. I thought she would go to her grave believing those things I said, but they couldn't be further from the truth. I was wrong,"

Her gaze lifted to mine, and I froze. A thin veil of silver lined her eyes. There was something haunting in her gaze, as though the thought had been torturing her relentlessly. Her voice was unsteady as she whispered, "She was a moment away from death, Kyra. We almost lost her today."

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